
My sister wants me to change my daughter’s name because she named her kid the same thing – but I had it first

There was a long list of names that Julia* and her husband Mark* created when they were expecting their daughter. 

By the time she was born, they knew that Millie would be the perfect choice, and the family agreed. 

Two years later, Julia’s older sister Holly* announced she was expecting her first child. 

Woman tells sister to change her daughter’s name

While Julia was ecstatic at the news of her sister’s pregnancy, this all changed when Holly shared the name they chose for their daughter: Millie*.

That’s right, Holly chose the same name for her daughter as her younger sister.

The name Millie has no family history or connection to anyone of significance, Julia told Reddit, explaining that she and her husband originally chose it because they “just really liked” it. 

Two years after the birth of her daughter, Millie, her sister announced her own pregnancy.
Two years after the birth of Julia’s daughter, Millie, her sister announced her own pregnancy. Getty Images

It’s safe to say having two kids with the same name was confusing for the entire family and everyone who met them. 

“My sister is now unhappy that confusion has already started with both my daughter and hers sharing the same first name,” Julia said. 

So to make things a little easier, Julia and Holly’s dad started using nicknames to tell the kids apart: “Big Millie” and “Little Millie”.

While this kept confusion at bay, Holly wasn’t pleased with her daughter being referred to as “Little Millie”.  

“My sister went on a rant about it,” Julia said. “She told me everyone acts like she did something wrong and that calling her daughter Millie should not be such a big s–tshow, but it is.” 

Then Holly made an unusual request. 

“She then told me I should start calling my daughter by her middle name instead of by her first and that way everyone can be happy,” Julia wrote, confused. 

In response, Julia told her older sister that it didn’t make sense to use her daughter’s middle name to avoid confusion since she had chosen the name first. 

“I told her if she didn’t like the fact both girls shared the name and that people would come up with ways to differentiate between them, then she could use her daughter’s middle name or she could create a nickname if that would be better,” she said. 

“But I told her I will not change what I call my daughter after two years because she decided to use the same name for her cousin.” 

Holly argued she “had every right to name her child whatever she wanted” but was cut off by her younger sister, who said it “didn’t give her the right to insist I call my daughter something else.”

Their parents agreed, telling their daughter that Holly “should have seen this coming” and since Julia used the name first, she had the right to use it. 

“Your sister’s entitlement is off the charts…”

Holly chose the same name for her baby girl as her sister had done two years prior.
Holly chose the same name for her baby girl as her sister had done two years prior. Getty Images

The Reddit community were befuddled by Julia’s demands of her younger sister and wondered why she felt “entitled” to use the name if she hadn’t come up with it first. 

“Hey, she’s the one who decided to copy the name,” a person commented. 

“I think it’s hysterical she’s calling you selfish when she’s the one who’s causing all the problems and being demanding.”

“Your sister needs a head wobble,” someone wrote. “It makes no sense to use the same name and then demand the older cousin to switch names.”

“Your sister’s entitlement is off the charts if she thinks she can just demand that you change what you call your daughter because she chose the same name for her child,” said another. 

“I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to use the same name as someone else in your family,” a fourth wrote. “But you sure as s**t can’t tell the person who used it first that they need to change.” 

“Like she knew what your daughter’s name was right?” someone asked. “This argument doesn’t really make any sense.” 

One Redditer didn’t mince their words: “Your sister is an idiot.” 

*Names have been changed