
Joe Biden got Laken Riley’s name wrong — as he has EVERYTHING in his border mess

He finally said her name. And got it wrong

Just like he has gotten everything on the border wrong. 

Amid his State of the Union speech Thursday, President Biden held up a pin pressed on him by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) bearing the name of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was allegedly murdered by the illegal migrant Jose Ibarra — and still managed to call her “Lincoln.” 


After blaring “I know how to say her name.”

A young woman is dead at the hands of a border-jumper, as a direct result of Biden’s policies, and he can’t spare five minutes of speech prep to make sure he gets her name right (or read it off the button in his hand)?

Laken’s mother, Allyson Philips, is dead right to call the president’s error “pathetic.”

Indeed, it was pathetically typical of the contempt he and his open-borders claque have for the victims of their monstrous policies. 

That contempt also animated the president’s obscene effort to lay blame at the feet of congressional Republicans. 

“If we change the dynamic at the border” by reducing the times before migrants face court dates to “only six weeks,” he blathered, it’s “highly unlikely that people will pay that money and come all that way knowing that they’ll be able to be kicked out quickly.”

Implying that the GOP is at fault for rejecting the awful “bipartisan” border bill, which (the specious argument runs) would’ve had that impact on Ibarra.

No: Ibarra was here for a year-plus with the full cognizance of the authorities, thanks to Biden policies — ones the prez adopted with no action by Congress, and needs no help from lawmakers to reverse.

And our immigration courts face these massive backlogs because Biden let 7.2 million illegal migrants in across the southern border

Open Borders Joe owns that.

He summoned an unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants by ending Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, creating the CBP One app to schedule illegal wave-ins and countless other dictatorial actions.

And the resulting chaos on the border has freed the cartels to bring in enough fentanyl to kill everyone in the country.

As for letting in a single migrant without vetting, even for “only” six weeks: There’s zero excuse for that, ever

Ibarra himself, The Post has learned, is listed by Homeland Security as linked to Venezeula’s Tren de Aragua gang, the largest criminal outfit in-country and one that specializes in murder, kidnapping, sexual exploitation and torture — links that a proper vetting at the border should’ve exposed.

Give gang members “only” six weeks and see how much destruction they cause — and whether you can find them if they don’t show for court. 

Biden’s policies did lead to Laken — not Lincoln — Riley’s death, and his bid to finger Republicans for it is a flaming lie, indeed a flaming pack of lies, piled one upon another. 

However cognitively challenged Biden may be, he surely knows that.

Yet he pitched those lies with the same outraged sincerity as everything else he said Thursday night. Hmmm.