
The Body Shop filed for bankruptcy — Shop favorites on sale on Amazon

The Body Shop may have filed for bankruptcy, but that isn’t stopping us from filling our Amazon carts with the brand’s stockpile of lotions, potions and the like.

According to major UK news outlets, The Body Shop is planning on shutting its doors to approximately 100 locations, with seven branches already grabbing their fruit-scented body butters and saying sayonara.

According to Time Out, “the skincare and cosmetics chain was only taken over by new ownership six weeks before Christmas, but it still struggled to do decent numbers.” And, in addition, “it apparently didn’t have enough working capital to carry on trading in its current form.”

You can say the brand has been experiencing some low-hanging fruit (literally), but we won’t whip out the business jargon too much right now. Instead, we’re whipping out the best items from The Body Shop that you can still grab on Amazon amid all the bankruptcy hoopla.

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