US News

Post’s bombshell report about alien life on Earth being false confirmed after US gov spent millions funding search: Pentagon

The truth is not out there.

After spending tens of millions of dollars funding dodgy efforts to determine if little green men have visited Earth, the US government has formally acknowledged its multi-decade mission to boldly go where no man has gone before has been a bust.

A bombshell Pentagon review released Friday confirms The Post’s exclusive reporting from last year that the Pentagon had developed a distracting and ultimately pointless fixation on chasing UFOs.

The Pentagon report examined all US government investigatory activity of “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (formerly known as UFOs) since 1945, concluding that neither aliens nor their technology, have ever visited Earth.

The report, which the Defense Department’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) conducted on the orders of Congress, reviewed both classified and unclassified government archives.

Among its conclusions was the revelation that “no evidence that any [US government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.”

As for documented sightings of unexplained airborne objects making strange, otherworldly maneuvers in the sky — which have increased in frequency in the social media age — the report chalked them up to “ordinary objects and phenomena” and the result of “misidentification.”

These assertions were echoed by Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder in a statement following the release of the report.

“AARO has found no verifiable evidence for claims that the U.S. government and private companies have access to or have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology,” he wrote.

A bombshell Pentagon review released Friday confirms The Post’s exclusive reporting from last year that the Pentagon had developed a distracting and ultimately pointless fixation on chasing UFOs. AFP via Getty Images

The Pentagon noted that Americans’ obsession with flying saucers and government conspiracies to cover them up began in the 1950s, driven in part by public knowledge of classified government programs like the Manhattan Project.

But as The Post reported exclusively last year, the Pentagon’s own fixation with finding moon men started in 2008.

That’s when, at the behest of former Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency created a $22 million program called the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program or AAWSAP.

The report, which the Defense Department’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) conducted on the orders of Congress, reviewed both classified and unclassified government archives. twitter/LueElizondo

The multimillion-dollar contract was awarded to longtime Reid friend Robert Bigelow and his company Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS).

The stated purpose of the AAWSAP was to research and predict future aerospace technology trends.

But BAASS, made up of ghost hunters and psychics, soon went off the rails – using taxpayer funds to chase UFOs — and even ghosts and werewolves — at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.

These assertions were echoed by Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder in a statement following the release of the report. AP

After finding out about the program’s unsanctioned paranormal activities, the Pentagon pulled the program’s funding and shut it down in 2012.

In December 2017, The New York Times published a now-infamous story about this program, but without any mention of AAWSAP and its paranormal adventures. Instead, it detailed the claims of Pentagon official Lue Elizondo, who said UFOs were real and the Pentagon wasn’t taking them seriously. 

Two days after the article was published, Elizondo went on CNN and said the program had studied “anomalous” crafts that were “defying the laws of aerodynamics.”

Former Sen. Harry Reid the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency created a $22 million program called the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program or AAWSAP. Getty Images

He ended the interview with the ominous announcement, “We may not be alone.”

Today’s Pentagon report vindicates The Post’s previous reporting that despite Elizondo’s statement, there were no spacemen on Earth.

The Pentagon report examined all US government investigatory activity of “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (formerly known as UFOs) since 1945, concluding that neither aliens, nor their technology, have ever visited Earth.

The report also throws cold water on long-held conspiracy theories alleging a cloak-and-dagger government plot to reverse-engineer alien technology recovered on Earth.

“AARO determined … that claims involving specific people, known locations, technological tests, and documents allegedly involved in or related to the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial technology, are inaccurate,” the report states plainly.

Elizondo could not immediately be reached for comment.

In a statement posted on X, Elizondo hit out at the report, calling it “intentionally dishonest, inaccurate, and dangerously misleading.”

“I hold the Pentagon leadership and former AARO leadership accountable for this obvious attempt to diminish and embarrass whistle-blowers, to undermine the truth, and ignore the evidence,” the statement read in part.

Additional reporting by Steven Greenstreet.