
Controversial ‘1619 Project’ author Nikole Hannah-Jones lectures city public school kids about ‘antiracism’

Controversial New York Times columnist Nikole Hannah-Jones took time away from her busy schedule at the Gray Lady to lecture Brooklyn school kids about the importance of “anti-racism” and “restorative justice” — and warn them that black and Latino kids will face disproportionate punishment at school.

Hannah-Jones, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her work on the paper’s much-criticized 1619 Project, spoke this week at MS 266 in Park Slope.

Nikole Hannah-Jones tells students of color they will face disproportionate punishment at school. The Washington Post via Getty Images

“Racism is impacting our society whether we talk about it or not,” Hannah-Jones said, reiterating a core tenet of anti-racist, left-wing ideology, which is determined to place race at the center of all social interactions.

“Because we have a society where race plays such a major role across our educational system … we know that black and Latino students disproportionately face discipline even when they’re behaving the same way as white students,” Hannah-Jones said.

The conversation between Hannah-Jones and students was recorded and played for parents during a Zoom town hall this week.

The town hall was led by School District 13 superintendent Meghan Dunn and Jalinda Cilien, a speech and language therapist.

Before Hannah-Jones spoke Cilien led parents in a “land acknowledgment of the Lenape people” and offered a happy women’s month “to everyone who identifies as such.”

Nikole Hannah-Jones has caused controversy for her work on the 1619 Project. AP
Nikole Hannah-Jones was warmly received by students at MS 266 in Park Slope. AP

Though Hannah-Jones works as a New York Times magazine columnist, she has not produced a single piece for the paper since February 2023 — and only three published articles since 2020.

The 1619 Project was an effort to reframe the founding of America as a political project dedicated to advancing slavery.

The revisionist history has been attacked by a range of scholars as inaccurate.

The Times has also taken heat in the past for adding stealth corrections.