US News

Women’s March begging for cash to rent portable toilets for Supreme Court abortion pill demonstration

Here’s the poop on the The Women’s March.

The controversial political movement — which arose in 2016 to protest former President Trump, and has been criticized for antisemitic leaders — is begging members for money to rent toilets.

“They might not be sexy, but Porta Potties are critical infrastructure when you’re hosting any kind of mass mobilization!” the group said in an email to subscribers this week.

The Women’s March is planning a protest outside the Supreme Court later this month to coincide with the justices hearing oral arguments on patient access to abortion pill mifepristone.

Three blue portable toilets lined up in a row.
The Women’s March sent an urgent appeal this week for money to pay for portable toilets. Benjamin Rondel
Protestors at Women's March by Reflection Pool and Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. - Credit: Natan Dvir.
The Women’s March was largely discredited after several of its leaders were exposed as being antisemites. Natan Dvir

“We want to make sure that everyone at our March 26 Supreme Court Mifepristone Action is safe and can spend their time taking action – not waiting in long lines for the restroom,” the group wrote.

“So, if you can, please throw a few bucks to our Get Sh!t Done Porta Potty Fund (AKA, the Porta Potty Piggy Bank). It might not be the most glamorous act of philanthropy you’ve ever been involved in, but I promise you it will make a HUGE difference for our marchers!”

Once a powerful political force, the Women’s March fell to the sidelines after a series of exposés showing its top leadership were dominated by antisemites, including one-time march bosses like Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory.