Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Joe Biden’s as callous as it gets when it comes to Laken Riley

As if it weren’t bad enough that Joe Biden had to be heckled into mentioning Laken Riley’s name in an impromptu outburst during his State of the Union address — and even then cared so little about the murdered 22-year-old that he called her “Lincoln.”

But then he went and apologized for accurately describing the illegal-alien murder suspect as “illegal.”

There is a screw loose in the president’s moral compass, if he has one at all. 

Riley, a nursing student, was jogging on the University of Georgia campus when she was abducted and bashed to death by illegal alien Jose Ibarra, who never would have been here if the president hadn’t flung open the border the first day he took office.

US President Joe Biden holds a pin referring to slain Georgia student Laken Riley while delivering his State of the Union address.
US President Joe Biden holds a pin referring to slain Georgia student Laken Riley while delivering his State of the Union address. MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

You’d think Biden might feel some guilt about his seminal role in Riley’s death and accord her at least the honors he did George Floyd, whom he eulogized as a saint.

An apology, perhaps, and a vow to stop more psychopaths flooding across the border.

Her family and traumatized fellow students deserve no less.

But, no, he ignored Riley’s grieving parents, butchered their daughter’s name, twice, and then pandered with great empathy to the 8 million plus lawbreakers he has ushered into this country.

MSNBC softball team 

“I’m not going to treat any, any, any, of these people with disrespect,” he told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart over the weekend. “They built this country.”

Most of us were brought up understanding that people who break the law are unworthy of respect.

And last time I looked, it was Americans who built this country, not scum like Ibarra, who break their way into this country to create mayhem.

“That was one hell of a speech you gave Thursday night,” was how Capehart began the interview, in usual MSNBC sycophantic style.

His first question was gently to chide the president for using the term “illegal,” not for the insult of getting Riley’s name wrong, or the outrage of allowing her killer into the country. 

Capehart cared so little that he got her name wrong, too. At some point, you have to see it as deliberate.

“You used the word ‘illegal’ when talking about the man who allegedly killed ‘Lincoln’ [sic] Riley.” 

Biden jumped in: “An undocumented person. I shouldn’t have used ‘illegal,’ it’s undocumented,” he said before launching into his favorite pastime, gratuitous Trump bashing.

“And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of the things I talked about in the border was . . . the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I talked about what I’m not going to do. What I won’t do. I’m not going to treat any, any, any of these people with disrespect.” 

What Donald Trump does not do is treat the family of a murder victim with disrespect. The former president met with Riley’s family in Georgia Saturday night and expressed his condolences.

“I met her beautiful mother and family backstage,” Trump said at a rally in Rome, Ga., Saturday night.

“They said she, was going to be the best nurse. She was the best nursing student. She was always the best. She was the brightest light in every room, they told me.”

Arrogant indifference

Biden’s callous lack of empathy again has handed Trump an effortless way to burnish his populist credentials and show voters he cares about them. 

It was the same after a train derailment spilled toxic chemicals that sickened residents of East Palestine, Ohio. Biden’s studious indifference allowed Trump to ride into town with fresh water and concerned words two weeks after the disaster. Biden didn’t visit for a year. 

His people said he was too busy, but he is never too busy for long weekends and luxury vacations. 

Biden likes to emote about his own tragedies every chance he gets, and that has been misinterpreted as empathy. It is not empathy, but narcissism.

If he had a shred of empathy he would unwind his open borders executive orders of January and February 2021 and stop lying that it’s the Republicans’ responsibility.

Ibarra, 26, was a classic example of Biden’s border madness. Despite being listed in Department of Homeland Security documents as an “active member” of the deadly Tren de Aragua gang, as The Post reported, he was set free almost immediately after crossing the border illegally in September 2022.

He was put on a bus to New York where he got free room and board in a migrant shelter. He reportedly also worked for DoorDash and Uber Eats, with entry to the apartments of unsuspecting New Yorkers to deliver food — a disgrace for which those companies should be hauled over the coals. 

He expressed his gratitude for America’s generosity by continuing to break our laws, leading to multiple arrests in New York and Georgia — but no detention or deportation. 

Media buries the lede

Yet when this menace finally was arrested in February in Athens, Ga., for Riley’s murder, the media bent over backwards to hide the fact he was an illegal alien. CNN lied to protect a depraved murder suspect, describing Ibarra as being “of Athens,” No, he was “of” Venezuela, and should have been nowhere near Athens, but for Joe Biden.

His charming brother, Diego Ibarra, 29, also “of Venezuela,” is another illegal migrant gangbanger with a rap sheet stuffed full of offenses for drunken driving, unlicensed driving, shoplifting and using a counterfeit green card. 

As Trump once said: “They’re not sending their best.”

Biden had his own anemic little rally Saturday in Georgia, where he tried to assert moral superiority over Trump. 

Wrong place. Wrong time. Wrong message.

“Trump and I have a very different value set, if it isn’t obvious already,” said Adderall Joe, still hyper after his frenetic SOTU performance. “Mine is based on core values that have defined America. . . . Decency, honesty, fairness and equality.”

Biden’s entire presidency has been about indecency (topless trannies and cocaine at the White House), dishonesty (“I know nothing about my son’s overseas business dealings”), unfairness (lawfare against political opponents) and inequality (8 million illegals to steal your jobs and dilute your vote).

What the last three years have taught us is that there is nothing about Joe Biden that represents decency, honesty, fairness or equality. If “character” is on the ballot, he’s done for.