Real Estate

Unfinished California mansion built using ‘medieval hand methods’ asks $4.5M for sale

Northern California’s most infamous unfinished mansion — according to Reddit, at least — has finally listed for sale.

For nearly half a century, owner Bruce Remington has been building — using “medieval hand methods” — a Newport, Rhode Island-inspired French-ornamental gothic cathedral on 4.59 acres of redwood forest just outside the city of Eureka.

And if you look up 832 Westgate Drive on Reddit, be prepared to go down one of the site’s weirdest rabbit holes.

The mysterious eight-bedroom, three-bathroom, 13,000-square-foot property was recently listed for sale by the owner himself on Zillow for $4.5 million. Despite being the most expensive house in Humboldt County, Remington doesn’t think that seven-figure sum does his project justice.

The owner, Bruce Remington, is repping the property himself. Bruce Remington

Remington told The Post it will be worth two to three times that “when cleaned-up, organized better and finished further.” Still, Zillow’s Zestimate is only $890,100 and reads, “The list price and Zestimate for this home are very different, so we might be missing something.”

While some pictures clearly show the mansion through the years, many of the 119 photos on Zillow are rather unusual to see. It seems that Remington, a New York native and Cornell University graduate, also included photos from his vision board, and not the final product.

For example, a listing photo of a single upholstered chair appears to come from Wayfair. It also appears he’s sprinkled in some personal photos from a trip, his or someone else’s to Château de Fontainebleau in France, and maybe even done some Photoshop to finish a wall, or two.

While The Post hasn’t been able to find a local agent who is familiar with the unique property — it boasts gargoyles, finials and wall buttresses — Remington insists a broker who passed away in 2008 once said the home had a million-dollar ocean view.

“I agree and would place at least a $500,000 value on that alone,” Remington said. Still, he confesses that it’s contingent upon the surrounding forest. “The ocean view lasts about 3-5 years. Today very little ocean view is visible, under 1% probably, but it will be closer to 75-92% of maximum after this season’s logging.”

What’s not conditional, however, is the impressive collection of furniture that comes with the residence.

Among the home’s marketing images are ones that seem to be from a design vision board — as well as images that appear to be altered. Bruce Remington
The property is near Eureka, California. Bruce Remington

Among its treasures are nearly a dozen antique tables, “various rare cabinets,” two antique chandeliers, 1,500 square feet of “palatial antique Italian marquetry” and a solid gold-plated grandfather clock.

Remington reckons the furnishings alone are worth $600,000. Then, there’s the “miscellaneous valuable artwork from the last 150 years” that also comes with it. He estimates the mansion’s myriad works of art to be worth more than $50,000.

The property also boasts three antique fireplaces, including a 600-pound marble masterpiece that Remington estimates to be worth $70,000, and gold-leafed ceilings reminiscent of Versailles. Meanwhile, the antique paneling downstairs gets its inspiration from Florida’s famous Stetson Mansion.

The sale includes furnishings, such as a gold-plated grandfather clock. Bruce Remington
A massive fireplace. Bruce Remington
A bedroom. Bruce Remington
Another one of the marketing images. Bruce Remington

Remington, a master craftsman, when it comes to wood at least, made his fortune dealing in burl. According to a brief bio he posted on Reddit, “He sold vast quantities from 1970-2012 under business names: Burl Tree (Broadway, Eureka); Creative designs; Westgate doors and Paul Bunyan stores, all closed now with Remington long-since retired.”

For the last 43 years, 832 Westgate Drive has been his passion project. Literally.

“I never lived, ate and watched much TV in it, but did have major offices there for 30 years, have spent 100 nights there in the bedroom and have entertained women there for three to six hours perhaps 1,000 times,” he said.

He’s selling the property because his interests have “radically shifted” from spending seven nights a week chasing, entertaining and romancing women in the house. Currently, he lives just a few minutes away with his ex-wife, Sue, in another million-dollar home.

Of course, the biggest priority is to sell the house. But buyer beware, it’s still a work-in-progress.

“There’s no hot water. No proper kitchen, and the place is very odd,” wrote one Redditor who claims to have worked on the house and described it as a “kinder clutter hoarder paradise.”

Still, the Redditor admits that it has “good bones.”