Food & Drink

Customer outraged after realizing how much he paid for two sandwiches and two coffees: ‘Absolutely crazy’

One diner learned a hard lesson when their breakfast bill came to $77 [$50.00 USD] after ordering just four items – two of which were coffees.

The Reddit user said they were at a beachside cafe in Darwin when they ordered two bacon and egg rolls, adding avocado to each.

The customer also got two iced coffees with ice cream.

The final bill also had a $7 [approximately $5.00 USD] surcharge as it was a Sunday, bringing the total to $77 [$50.00 USD].

“For the doubters: yes, I really paid $77 [$50.00 USD] for two egg and bacon rolls and two iced coffees at a Darwin beachside cafe yesterday,” the post read.

A Reddit user said they were at a beachside cafe in Darwin when they ordered two bacon and egg rolls, with avocado to each.

The social media user said the food was good but they definitely learned their lesson about tapping their card without checking the total.

Other social media users were also in shock at the pricey breakfast food.

“That is absolutely crazy. Were they any good at least,” one social media user demanded to know.

The final bill also had a $7 surcharge as it was a Sunday, bringing the total to $77. Reddit / LeeWiserEnvoy

Another said: “I mean $19 [approximately $13.00 USD] per two bacon and egg roll is pretty steep already, although avo for $3 [$2.00 USD] is pretty good price.

“$10 [approximately $7.00 USD] for an ice coffee though f–k wth?? Plus an extra $3 [$2.00 USD] for ice??? What’s I/C? Ice cream, for $10 [$7.00 USD] you’d think that’s included.”

One social media user said: “Even without the Sunday surcharge that is one expensive breakfast. And $13 [approximately $9.00 USD] for an iced coffee too.”

The social media user said the food was good but they definitely learned their lesson about tapping their card without checking the total. George Dolgikh –

“I stopped going out when dinner meals went from $20 [$13.00 USD] to $30 [$20.00 USD] for chicken schnitzel, I’m on the disability pension and can’t afford the hit. I dunno, I feel like hospo is gonna price itself into bankruptcy, or people are earning too much to care,” another said.

One added: “That’s why I don’t go out anymore.”

“Maaaate … You got ripped off big time. That’s not eating out is expensive. That’s f–ked,” one added.

“If I saw prices like that at a cafe, I’d walk out immediately without ordering a thing,” another social media user revealed.