
I made my friend cry after visiting her baby — she said my skimpy outfit was ‘rubbing it in’

The postpartum period often involves a whirlwind of emotions and sensitivities for new moms. 

And one woman got to experience this first-hand after she visited her friend who had recently given birth — and unintentionally upset her with her outfit choice. 

Taking to Reddit, the anonymous woman explained the situation, saying she was excited to meet her friend’s new addition.

“I took some little gifts, got some cuddle time with the baby, and chatted with my friend Hannah for a few hours before heading home,” she wrote. 

“It made her cry”

The visit seemed to go well — until she learnt through another friend that her choice of outfit — a cropped t-shirt and high-waisted leggings, had upset the mom.

A woman on Reddit explained how her outfit choice when visiting a friend's baby left the new mother in tears.
A woman on Reddit explained how her outfit choice when visiting a friend’s baby left the new mother in tears. Shutterstock

“She had gone to visit Hannah a few hours after me,” the OP explained. “Apparently, she thought wearing a crop top was ‘rubbing it in.'”

The OP was taken aback by this suggestion, believing her outfit was appropriate and saying that it wasn’t meant to make any sort of statement.

“I was sitting on her sofa the whole time, so there wasn’t even any skin visible. Plus, my body type is average so there isn’t much to show off either,” she said.

Yet, the mutual friend still sided with the new mom.

“She is a mom too with a toddler and she told me that wearing a crop top to see your friend that soon after having a baby is insensitive because it can be hard to adjust to your new body,” she explained.

“It didn’t seem like a big deal to me, but it made Hannah cry, so it’s obviously a big deal to her.”

She also added that her friend’s husband was also there at the time, which could have added to the situation.

“Please don’t go to a new mom’s house in skimpy outfits, end of story”

The incident sparked an array of opinions in the comments, with everyone weighing in on the unspoken dress code.

“Oh my God, your friends are wild sensitive. Just because they feel insecure about their bodies doesn’t mean they get to dictate what everyone else wears,” one person wrote.

Another chimed in, reassuring the OP: “That’s just hormones, not worth stressing about.”

However, on the other hand, one user wrote: “You should’ve been conscious of your friend’s perspective and feelings. I know it’s your body and you can dress how you want but holy sh*t, that’s just common decency.”

Then this woman added: “If you were stopping by before or after a workout then I guess it’s understandable, but if it’s just something you threw on you could have been more sensitive. You know when you wear tight pants and a crop top that it is a little sexier than sweats or a maternity gown. And her husband is there and is going to look at you which, let’s be honest, is probably what you wanted.”

Someone else concluded, “Please don’t go to a new mom’s house in skimpy outfits, end of story.”