
Haiti collapse will spark ANOTHER border crisis — and we’re not ready

America is about to get a lesson in just how disastrous for national security President Biden’s open-border policies are

US Border Patrol agents in Florida are already admitting that the country should expect a massive wave of illegal immigrants from Haiti as that country falls under the control of bloodthirsty gangs — and that the agency itself is utterly unprepared. 

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic”: So reads an intra-agency email obtained by The Post. 

People who were displaced from their homes due to clashes between police and gang members, take refugee at a public school that serves as a shelter in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
People who were displaced from their homes due to clashes between police and gang members take refugee at a public school that serves as a shelter in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. AP

Where to even begin with this?

Does anyone really think that Biden will treat the Haitian influx differently from how he treats all influxes (despite the half-hearted suggestion to the contrary from the administration)?

No: Look for him to offer the illegal immigrants aid and comfort, extract cursory promises to appear in immigration court years from now and then send them along to rely on the budgetary largesse of big cities

We already let in criminals and terrorists across the southwestern land border. 

Now we have to worry about another group of gangsters slipping into the country?

To say nothing of the non-criminal migrants, who will be coming from one of the world’s poorest and most dysfunctional nations.

They will have nothing and demand everything, and Biden will pay for it all using the tax dollars of average Americans

As the situation in Haiti worsens — and the Biden administration insists it won’t send US forces into Port-au-Prince to defeat Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier and his minions — so too will the influxes.

And all the risk and fiscal pain they bring with them. 

Chérizier said he’s “ready to sleep in the same bed as the devil” in order to emerge victorious in his power struggle. 

Sure seems like Open Borders Joe is, too