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Aaron Rodgers as RFK Jr.’s Vice President is attention ploy: WFAN’s Gregg Giannotti

WFAN host Gregg Giannotti sees the potential Robert F. Kennedy Jr.-Aaron Rodgers ticket as nothing more than an attention grab that won’t come to fruition.

“I think this is pretty obvious what is going on, and first off he is not going to be his Vice President. One, because he can’t win and two, I don’t think he’s going to campaign with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,” Giannotti said on “Boomer & Gio” on Wednesday.

“What I think this is, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Aaron Rodgers wanting to get Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s message out there more than it has been because it’s been a lot of [Donald] Trump, a lot of [President Joe] Biden, a lot of Democrat, a lot of Republican and they probably know they can’t win. … But they’d like to change some people’s minds in the process.”

While Rodgers, 40, has certainly appeared in his fair share of odd headlines during his Jets tenure — i.e. the Jimmy Kimmel feud — this latest report may take the cake.

Kennedy told The New York Times that Rodgers and former Minnesota governor and wrestling icon Jesse “The Body” Ventura are atop his Vice President list and both “welcomed” the idea. A campaign rep confirmed Kennedy’s comments to The Post.

For most players, such an idea would be preposterous.

But Rodgers is not your normal football player.

Giannotti, however, believes there’s no chance this is an actual serious option.

“This will be a story today, it will continue, but there is no way you’re going to see Aaron Rodgers on a campaign trail. You’re not going to see him in a situation where he is debating people. That’s just not going to happen,” Giannotti said. “I just think this is a grandmaster plan to get attention to RFK Jr.’s campaign, which is working, and then once Aaron Rodgers is asked about it, he’ll say something along the lines of, ‘Yeah, I mean obviously we are friends and we talked about this and it’s something I want to do if it was a different time in my life but I obviously have a commitment to the Jets but I want people to understand his message and consider what he’s saying.’ Then, it will be gone.”

Gregg Giannotti is not buying an RFK Jr.-Aaron Rodgers ticket.
Gregg Giannotti is not buying an RFK Jr.-Aaron Rodgers ticket. @BoomerAndGio/YouTube

He added: “Is it going to work? Is he going to win? Is he going to take enough votes away from either Trump or Biden for this to make a difference? Probably not. But today, RFK Jr.’s campaign has gotten more attention than it ever has, and that’s one reason because everybody talks about Aaron Rodgers.”

Co-host Jerry Recco joked how this latest report is “very Aaron Rodgers” 2024, and Giannotti noted how some Jets fans may be upset about all the off-the-field headlines associated with their quarterback.

“It is (on brand for Rodgers). A lot of people felt that same way and a lot of fans felt that same way. I completely understand because they’re at a point with Aaron Rodgers where they are sick of everything Aaron Rodgers that isn’t involving throwing a football and I understand it,” Giannotti said. “They haven’t seen him play really in a Jets uniform, they don’t have any good memories of Aaron Rodgers in a Jets uniform. Aaron Rodgers’ Jets tenure has been him making headlines on Pat McAfee’s show and distracting from what ended up being a miserable season last year, so this is another one of those things.”

Aaron Rodgers played just four snaps last year.
Aaron Rodgers played just four snaps last year. Bill Kostroun/New York Post

Recco joked about how Jets coach Robert Saleh must have taken the news.

Said Recco: “(Rodgers) gets hurt a few plays in last year, and now (Saleh) has to hope his quarterback doesn’t leave to try to run the country.”