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Retired judge blasts crime-ridden Oakland’s mayor facing recall: ‘She has ruined our city’

A retired California judge is pushing efforts to recall the progressive mayor of crime-plagued Oakland — saying the Democrat has “ruined the city.”

Former Alameda Superior Court Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte spoke out as opponents of Mayor Sheng Thao held a rally over the weekend to air their litany of grievances over her policies, which have seen rising homelessness and shuttering businesses.

“People who say give her more time … More time to do what?,” the retired judge said, according to KTVU.

“She has ruined our city.”

Retired Alameda Superior Court Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte said Mayor Sheng Thao has “ruined” Oakland. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Thao ran for mayor with what she called “a bold, progressive, unifying vision for Oakland.”

But detractors blame the Democrat for failing to tackle violent crime, missing a deadline to secure $15 million in state funding to combat retail crime, dragging her feet on appointing a permanent police chief, and overseeing an exodus of businesses.

“She didn’t inherit all these problems,” Harbin-Forte said of the mayor who took office in January 2023. “She caused a number of problems.”

Victory Baptist Church pastor Marty Jenkins, who attended Saturday’s rally, said he is “mad as double ‘H-E hockey sticks'” over Thao’s handling of the many problems facing Oakland.

Thao is facing a recall effort, which appears to be gathering steam in Oakland. AP

“Look at the potholes. Look at homelessness. Look at the jobs. Look at the businesses that are leaving Oakland,” Jenkins said.

Violent crime in Oakland was up 21% in 2023 compared to the year before, while robberies skyrocketed 38% and burglaries rose 23%, according to police data.

Those looking to have Thao ousted must gather 25,000 registered voter signatures by July — and say they are well ahead of that schedule.

“Twelve-thousand five-hundred people plus who have signed already to recall Mayor Sheng Thao,” said recall organizer Seneca Scott.

Supporters of the Oakland mayor’s recall held a rally at a closed business on Saturday. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
The judge says Thao created a lot of the city’s problems. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Tuan Ngo, of the group Asians Unite, said Thao has a choice to either resign or get recalled in November, “because she’s not doing her job, and we see the consequences for her failure every day.”

In a statement to KTVU about the rally, Thao said: “My focus is fighting for a safer, more affordable and more prosperous Oakland. I ask Oaklanders to help me achieve that vision with hope and collaboration and push aside fear and division. Let’s bring our community together to fight for the city we love.”

This week, fed-up business owners in Oakland threatened to stop paying taxes unless the city reins in the crime wave, reported KRON4.

Some 200 businesses so far have pledged to join a possible rent strike over their safety concerns.

“It’s never been this bad. We don’t need to be talking about how bad it is because everybody knows how bad it is,” said longtime business owner Ali Albasiery.