
Prince Harry set to attend Diana Legacy Awards event — but only after Prince William has left

Prince Harry and Prince William are set to make an appearance at a memorial event for their late mother Princess Diana in London.

However, a royal reunion is not on the cards for the feuding brothers.

The Duke of Sussex, 39, will appear via video call at the Diana Legacy Awards Thursday night, but his appearance will only take place after his brother, the Prince of Wales, has left the premises.

Prince Harry will appear via video call at the Diana Legacy Awards Thursday night. AP

William, 41, will attend Thursday’s awards solo, as his wife Kate Middleton recovers from surgery and the recent photo scandal that rocked the palace.

There, he will deliver a speech and present awards to 20 recipients at the ceremony, which takes place at London’s Science Museum.

After the ceremony, Harry, who lives in Montecito, Calif., with his wife Meghan Markle, will take a call with the winners of the night.

Harry’s refusal to attend the awards in person comes just weeks after he lost his bid for taxpayer-funded UK security protection for his family.

The Diana Award charity, which marks its 25th anniversary this year, was set up in memory of William and Harry’s beloved late mother.

William, 41, will attend Thursday’s awards solo, as his wife Kate Middleton continues to recover from surgery. Belinda Jiao-REUTERS/POOL supplied by Splash News / SplashNews.com

The awards are handed out to young people between the ages of 9 and 25 who have contributed to their communities through humanitarian work.

“The Prince [of Wales] will meet key staff and supporters of the Diana Award, before joining the ceremony where he will hear about the recipients’ work, make a short speech, and present Legacy Awards to this year’s winners,” Kensington Palace told The Post in a statement.

“After the ceremony, the Prince will meet all the award winners who have traveled from around the world, representing countries including Australia, Bangladesh, the Cayman Islands, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Romania, the UAE, the UK, and the USA.”

The feuding brothers are set to make an appearance at a memorial event for their late mother Princess Diana in London. UK Press via Getty Images

The estranged brothers have appeared alongside one another at previous award ceremonies in the past.

However, since the Sussexes stepped down as senior working members of the royal family in 2020 and subsequently moved to the US, his involvement in the charity has been separate from his brother.

Harry and William’s refusal to join forces in person only highlights their ongoing rift as the pair have not seen each other since King Charles’ coronation on May 6, 2023.

It’s believed that the Duke did not see William, the heir to the throne, during his blink-and-you-miss-it 24-hour trip to London in February.