Weird But True

I identify as a dog — I go to the bathroom outside, sleep in a crate and have handlers

Every dog has its day — and doggone it today is hers. 

Sleeping in a crate, pooping outdoors and being rewarded with doggy biscuits for good behavior seem like any pup’s fantasy.

But, instead, streamer Meow Dalyn is the one happily assuming the carefree life of a canine.

Twitch streamer Meow Dalyn, from the US, says she prefers living as a dog because it makes her feel more human. Instagram/meowdalyn

“My name is Meow like a cat, but I am a dog,” the pink-haired pup-woman, from the US, explained to hosts of Australian radio broadcast “The Kyle & Jackie O Show” Wednesday. 

Donning a pair of faux dog ears and a collar, Dalyn, who refers to herself as “dog girl” and “e-puppy,” said she identifies as a dog and has fully immersed herself into the outré lifestyle — even when it comes to nighttime practices. 

“I have pastel blankets and pastel pillows in there,” Dalyn added of the dog cage she sleeps in each evening. “Something about being in a confined space, I don’t know if it makes me feel safe from the world or makes me feel like the world is safe from me, but it feels comfort for sure!.”

Dalyn, who regularly regalia her over 15,000 Twitch viewers with her hound-like habits — including playing games of fetch and gnawing on bones — said she began embracing her big dog energy after becoming an independent adult. 

“The wonder that comes with play and just being enchanted with life around you is a beautiful thing,” she said. “I’m not sure if I ever put two and two together that I had to stop that whenever I became an adult.”

“I figured that once I make my own money and pay my own rent, then I can extra do anything I want — and I wanted to be a dog!”

Dalyn says she decided to go full-on dog once she became an grown up. Instagram/meowdalyn

And she’s far from the only person-turned-pooch to make the species switch. 

A Japanese man, who’s adopted the nickname “Good Boy,” recently spent over $15,000 on a hyperrealistic collie costume in order to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming Lassie. 

Over 1,000 people who prefer to be recognized as man’s best friend rather than human gathered at the Berlin Potsamer Platz railroad station in Germany, for a puppy play date in September. The pack of faux four-legged friends prompted calls for animal control as they publicly howled and barked at one another.

Dalyn, too, enjoys the company of others who freely indulge in her fur ball tomfoolery. 

“I have handlers,” the wild woman explained when asked if she had a boyfriend. “[They’re] kind of like dog trainers.”

“They feed me, they take me on walks, we practice training, which is one of my favorite things, because I get treats,” she said, adding that her snacks are often shredded chicken, biscuits and jerky. 

Dalyn enjoys being taken for walks and fed doggy treats by her handlers. Instagram/meowdalyn

The wannabe barker also claims to incorporate actual dog food into her diet, saying she and her team of three handlers often add bone broth and other human ingredients to spice up the otherwise “bland” meals. 

And Dalyn says the trainers are helping her achieve the doggie dream without charging a penny. 

“It’s funny I don’t have to pay anyone to spend time with me,” said the cosplayer, adding that she doesn’t have a sexual relationship with the handlers. Instead, she simply considers her assistants to be friends who share her interest in puppy play. 

The crossbreed, too, revealed that she beds her beastly behavior when she does enjoy a roll in the hay.  

“The dog side of me is an everyday lifestyle,” she explained. “So I find myself not needing that in the bedroom at all.”

The wannabe puppy feels all people have the capacity to lean into their “primal” inner-dogs. Instagram/meowdalyn

But Dalyn does hope that others will begin embracing their inner-Fido as a way of life. 

“I believe there is a primal animal inside of everybody,” she said. “It’s part of our humanity.”

“Acknowledging my primal, animalistic [side] almost makes me feel more human.”

But until the world agrees to share her dogs-eye point of view, Dalyn is masterfully ignoring hateful looks and shady rebukes from disapproving detractors.  

“I don’t find myself focusing on other people and their reactions toward me because I’m so in the moment of just chasing the ball, being the dog,” Dalyn said of the shock her antics receive when she’s publicly living as a puppy.  

“I want to sit and perform for whoever is my focus.”