Sex & Relationships

The 10 kinkiest states revealed by sex experts: Is yours horny enough?

Who’s getting naughty?

Sex experts have revealed the “kinkiest” states in the U.S.

Georgia topped the list, according to Bedbible, a sex toy and sexual wellness company that ranked all 50 states based on the number of searches for kinky toys in each one.

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Georgia peaches had an average monthly search volume of 521 per 100,000 residents, according to the Daily Mail.

Experts have revealed the “kinkiest” states in the U.S. — did yours make the cut? NY Post illustration

Next was Nevada with an average monthly search volume of 509 per 100,000 residents.

And naughty New Yorkers came in a close third with 508 per 100,000 residents.

Sex experts have revealed the kinkiest states in the US. VadimGuzhva –

Those results align with a previous study that found Las Vegas and New York City are among the kinkiest destinations around the globe.

While NYC ranked third, it also got points for having some of the world’s most sensual menus, as the city is full of Champagne bars and oyster restaurants.

This comes nearly a decade after PornHub claimed New York was among the least kinky states with residents sticking to basic forms of porn.

Georgia was found to be the “kinkiest” state. Georgia peaches had an average monthly search volume of 521 per 100,000 residents. terovesalainen –

Back in 2013, New Yorkers searched for “vanilla” terms, including “college” and “massage.” People in the busy Big Apple said folks in the city that never sleeps may simply not have any energy left after long workdays to be crazy in the bedroom.

According to Bedbible’s new research, Texas was the fourth kinkiest state with 498 monthly searches per 100,000 residents, while North Carolina and Colorado tied for fifth place with 494 monthly searches each. 

The Golden State was ranked sixth as Californians had 488 searches per 100,000 residents, and Washington state was seventh with 484 queries.

Utah and Illinois tied for eighth with 479 searches each.

Maryland finished in ninth place with 473 searches per 100,000 residents, and Massachusetts closed out the list in 10th with 462 queries.