
Blocking newspaper trucks is NOT ‘peaceful protest’

When anti-Israel activists swarmed the plant that prints The New York Times, The Post and other newspapers the other day, aiming to stop the papers’ distribution, cops passed on making arrests because this was supposedly “peaceful protest.”

No: It was a forceful attack on a private enterprise (on private property, too), and on the freedom of the press.

But city government refuses to protect the peace, and has even signed away its ability to restrain out-of-control “protest” mobs.

Heck, City Hall agreed to pay $13 million to “protesters” — nearly $10K per rioter — arrested during the looting, arson, and violence that followed the 2020 death of George Floyd.

So now we get uncontrolled “pro-Palestine” demonstrations, targeting everything from the Thanksgiving Day parade to Christmas services at St. Pat’s Cathedral, with periodic actions to close commuting chokepoints from Grand Central to city bridges and assaults on the press.

At least the NYPD did make arrests at a later mobbing of the Times’ offices, but that’s not remotely enough.

An actual, truly peaceful march is one thing: All the rest is outright assault on the civic order.

These assaults will keep growing, in the name of cause after cause, unless and until City Hall stops preventing the NYPD from protecting the rule of law.