
Biden campaign touts $155 million war chest as largest in history

President Biden’s political apparatus boasted about fortifying a $155 million war chest, which it dubbed the “highest total of any Democratic candidate in history” at this point in a presidential election cycle.

This mountain of cash was topped off by a $53 million haul during February, blowing past the $42 million it raked in the month prior, according to the campaign.

These figures refer to the totals from the Biden-Harris campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and its joint fundraising committees. They mark the fourth consecutive month of fundraising growth.

“We’re proud of the record-breaking fundraising machine we’ve built that is going toward reaching the voters about the stakes of this election,” Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden-Harris 2024 campaign manager said.

President Biden’s team is embarking on multimillion-dollar campaign ad buys to help boost his approval numbers. AP

“And we’re just getting started.”

Rodriguez juxtaposed Biden’s financial fortunes with the outlook for the Republican National Committee, which has recently fired dozens of staffers in a dramatic shakeup.

Last year — adjusted for inflation — the RNC weathered its worst fundraising year in three decades, raking in just $87.2 million and concluding the year with $8 million cash on hand, per the Federal Election Commission.

By contrast, the DNC reaped $119 million and finished off the year with around $21 million cash on hand, according to the FEC.

Former President Donald Trump has shaken up the RNC’s leadership, tapping Michael Whatley as the chair of the organization, senior campaign adviser Chris LaClivta to serve as COO, and naming daughter-in-law Lara Trump as co-chair.

Donald Trump recently led a shakeup at the RNC’s leadership. Getty Images

“While Joe Biden and Democrats continue to put up historic grassroots fundraising numbers, Donald Trump and the RNC are in financial disarray,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison chided.

“Our grassroots supporters know that the stakes of this year could not be higher, and they’re chipping in like our democracy is on the line – because it is.”

Trump and the RNC have not released their totals for February yet, but at the conclusion of January, they had a roughly $41 million deficit relative to Biden and the DNC.

The Republican primary contest gobbled up significant donor cash. Additionally, Trump has been forced to tap into his political cash to help cover his mounting legal bills as fends off 88 criminal counts.

The US is careening toward a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in November. AP

During the 2020 cycle, Trump and the RNC pulled in $86 million at the end of February.

Trump still retains a polling edge over his successor both nationally and in most battleground states, according to the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate of polls.

Both Trump and Biden clinched the necessary delegates to secure their respective party’s nomination for the presidency last week.