
Picky eater husband brutally roasted after wife forced to cook him separate dinner: ‘You forgot his bottle’

A mom has a message for fellow parents: persevere in trying to get your kids to eat a variety of different foods.

Otherwise, she says, you’ll end up with a grown adult who is such a picky eater that their spouse will have to cook separate meals for them for the rest of their lives.

This is the reality of TikToker and mom Brianna Greenfield, who regularly documents life married to a picky eater.

In her latest clip, which has clocked over 2.5 million views, she shares herself preparing nachos for her husband after he refused to eat the salmon dinner she had cooked for the rest of the family.

“If I don’t feed him, he doesn’t eat”

“My husband didn’t eat the dinner that I made,” she says, “so let’s make him some nachos.”

A woman explained her feelings about cooking for her picky husband. TikTok / @themamabrianna

As Brianna grates a massive chunk of cheese, she continues, “If I don’t feed him, he literally won’t eat.

“This used to irritate me. Now I just blame his mother for never making him try salmon.”

She then pours the melted cheese over the corn chips, along with other bland ingredients and pops it in the oven.

The final clip shows Brianna handing her husband a massive plate of nachos while he sits wrapped in a blanket on the couch.

“Moral of the story: always serve your kids alllll the food, even if they say they don’t like it after the first time. 25 years from now, your child’s spouse will thank you,” she captioned the clip.

The woman has to cook her husband a second dinner. TikTok / @themamabrianna

“Why didn’t he make the nachos himself?!”

The clip has nearly 20k comments, most of which are calling out the ‘man child’ Brianna has married.

“If my husband came home after I cooked dinner and told me he wasn’t eating it and to make something else, I’d laugh in his face,” someone said.

“Girl, why didn’t he make the nachos himself?” a comment with 40.7k likes read. “She’s enabling him,” another replied.

Many blasted the wife for not making her husband make his own meal. TikTok / @themamabrianna

“This ain’t a marriage it’s a caretaker internship,” a different user added.

“Ohhh…now I know what people mean when they refer to ‘the ick,’ shared a fifth.

Someone else joked, “Not him with his blankie and cartoons on the couch. You forgot his bottle.”

“I was waiting for the punchline. Like she made HIM into nachos. Dude needs to grow up and fast,” another quipped.

Speaking to Newsweek, Briana said she isn’t phased by the backlash.

“Thankfully, my husband and I have an excellent sense of humor and know the truth (that he is a wonderful husband and even better father), so we just think the reaction is genuinely entertaining,” she said.