
US will ‘100%’ support NATO countries that ‘pay up’ for defense, Trump vows

Former President Donald Trump has vowed the US will “100%” come to the defense of its NATO allies — provided the other 31 countries “pay up”.

Trump, 77, made the comment in an interview with British television that aired Tuesday, after previously criticizing other members of the Atlantic alliance for not spending enough on defense.

GB News presenter Nigel Farage asked point-blank if the US would honor Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty — which calls on all members to rally behind an ally that comes under attack — under a second Trump administration if the other states “start to play fair.”

“Yes,” the former president responded. “100%.”

Trump also elaborated on comments he made last month suggesting he would let Russia have a free hand against NATO countries that aren’t keeping up their commitments.

Former President Donald Trump said in an interview that NATO countries need to “pay up” in order to continue getting protection from the United States. GB News

“Why should we guard these countries that have a lot of money and the United States was paying for most of NATO?” the former president asked.

“When I went there, I had already had it out with them [in the past],” added Trump, referencing his time in the White House.

“NATO was not paying, I went to the first meeting early in my administration and I saw what was going on and I said, ‘You’re gonna have to pay your bills, everybody.’ Then at the second meeting, I hit them hard,” he said.

“The question was then asked by the head of a major country in front of everyone else, ‘So if we don’t pay our bills, are you going to protect us from Russia?'”

The former president recalled saying at that meeting: “‘You mean you’re delinquent? You’re not paying the bills? Then no, I’m not going to pay you. We’re not going to do it.’

Trump questioned why the US should “guard” its allies while paying for “most of NATO.” Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images
Trump claimed he was able to get other NATO members to pay more during his administration. GB News

“‘We’re not going to defend you if you’re not paying your bills. It’s very simple,'” Trump went on. “And hundreds of billions of dollars came flowing in.”

In 2014, NATO leaders vowed to commit 2% of their national gross domestic product to defense spending in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea. This year, 18 of the alliance’s 32 members are expected to meet that benchmark.

“NATO became strong because of me. Now NATO has to treat the US fairly because if it wasn’t for the United States, NATO wouldn’t even exist,” the former president said. “They took advantage of us — like most countries do.”

Trump previously suggested he would encourage Russia to attack delinquent NATO members if he is elected president. Getty Images

Farage then questioned whether Trump would order the US to come to the defense of NATO countries like Poland if they increased their defense spending.

“Yes,” said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. “But the United States should pay its fair share, not everybody else’s fair share.”

Trump also expounded on his previous promise that he would be able to negotiate a deal between Ukraine and Russia to end the ongoing war in 24 hours.

Farage asked Trump if Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin is “the type of man” who can be negotiated with.

“Yeah, I think he is,” the former president responded, adding: “We did very well with him.”