Sex & Relationships

I tried the $1,500 female Viagra shot — my orgasms had me feeling like Christmas had come again


Call it the second coming.

A British woman claims she was able to resurrect her stale sex life — and supercharge her orgasms — after trying a “female Viagra” injection worth a whopping $1,500.

The hefty sum was well worth it for Glória Vieira, 52, who says climaxing now feels “like Christmas has come again.”

Vieira told South West News Service that she “lost” her sexuality after the end of her marriage — and was intrigued to hear of the erotic injectable.

The accountant visited Dr. Sherif Wakil’s sexual and cosmetic rejuvenation clinic in London, in a bid to — quite literally — inject sex back into her life.

Glória Vieira, 52, ays she supercharged her orgasms and spiced up her stale sex life after trying a “female Viagra” injection worth a whopping Glória Vieira / SWNS

Vieira received an injection dubbed by the clinic as “The O-Shot.”

Better known as PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation, the treatment involves several injections of platelets extracted from blood plasma into the vaginal area.

The jab is designed to fix damaged tissues and muscles, and to promote the production of collagen, which helps increase blood supply and nerve ending sensitivity.

And for Vieira, that’s exactly what happened.

“After the injections, it felt like something had woken up inside me and I had a glow down there,” she enthused. “After that, whenever I had an orgasm, it would be long and intense, like Christmas again.”

She added that it was “as close as I could get to a miracle.”

Vieira told South West News Service that she “lost” her sexuality after the end of her marriage and was intrigued by the erotic injectable. Glória Vieira / SWNS
Vieira received an injection dubbed by the clinic as “The O-Shot.” Better known as PRP Vaginal Rejuvination, the treatment involves several injections of platelets extracted from blood plasma into the vaginal area. Glória Vieira / SWNS

The Brit first received the treatment in 2016, and returns every two years for a top-up.

A vivacious Vieira insists that she only underwent the treatment for herself — and not at the behest of a man.

In fact, she says she’s been experiencing some serious self-pleasure since visiting the clinic, she confessed.

“It was for me, nobody else,” she insisted. “I needed to feel close to myself again.”

“Since having it I’ve had some good sexual experiences and some good DIY sessions too,” the accountant saucily spilled. “It’s a life-changing treatment.”

“Since having it I’ve had some good sexual experiences and some good DIY sessions too,” the accountant saucily spilled. “It’s a life-changing treatment.” Glória Vieira / SWNS

Vieira says it’s her form of “TLC” and has recommended it to all her friends — but she’s not the only one.

Celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow have spoken out about the benefit of PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation.

“It’s been a very positive experience for me,” Vieira declared. “It helped me feel alive and young again.”