Weird But True

My bone snapped while I was in an arm wrestle competition with a stranger

A friendly competition turned into a bone-crushing defeat for one lady.

Daisy Johnson, 24, snapped her bone during an intense arm wrestling match with a stranger who challenged her.

“My arm felt like the floppy arm in Harry Potter!” she told Caters News Agency. “I had to hold it into my chest otherwise it was quite literally loosely swinging around.”

A London resident challenged the wrong man when it came to an arm wrestling match. Daisy Johnson / CATERS NEWS
Daisy Johnson, 24, broke her arm during an arm wrestling match. Daisy Johnson / CATERS NEWS

Last year, the London resident was out celebrating Easter weekend with her friends at a local pub when a stranger started talking to them about strength and fitness.

“There was a conversation around the topic of the gym and my ears perked up. This led to the friendly competition after stating that I could, ironically, ‘smash anyone in an arm wrestle,'” Johnson, an avid gym fanatic, confessed.

The young woman went into the match with the utmost confidence that she was going to crush this man, but unfortunately, she was the one who needed to get her bones smashed.

Her arm broke mid-wrestle with an eerie cracking sound, she was immediately taken to the hospital.

“Everyone thought I was joking because I was quite a matter of fact that I’d done something and needed to go to hospital, until the realization of my arm looking visually deformed … everyone soon realized I wasn’t joking,” she said.

Johnson’s arm broke mid-wrestle with an unforgettable cracking sound, she was immediately taken to the hospital. Daisy Johnson / CATERS NEWS

Johnson suffered a spiral fracture in her humerus, a bone in the upper arm that connects to the shoulder.

A spiral fracture is a complete bone break caused by a twisting motion or force. In this type of fracture, the bone is in at least two pieces, and the broken bones may resemble a spiral staircase, according to Healthline. 

“The pain started to kick in as the adrenaline wore off. The humerus then needed to be manipulated back together, which was extremely painful!” she added.

Johnson spent four days at the hospital medicated on “a ton of morphine” while medical professionals worked to get her broken arm back into place.

“At the time, I thought I’d just dislocated my elbow joint and was convinced once someone popped it back in for me, I could make my way back to the pub!” she admitted.

Johnson is still recovering from the defeat a year later. Daisy Johnson / CATERS NEWS

Johnson revealed although the challenge that broke her arm was a year ago, she is still recovering from the loss.

“After a year into my recovery, the arm is still not fully back to how it was and I’m not certain whether or not it will regain its original mobility, strength and range of motion,” she sighed.

The 24-year-old, who religiously works out, found the injury ironic because she focuses on strength training.

“It was frustrating! As a girl who spends most of her time in the gym strength training, it was mentally hard for me to have to completely change my training,” she added.

However, she remains optimistic about the unexpected turn of events and sees her recovery as another challenge she plans to conquer.

“I ditched the sling around three months post-op, but it took months to get to the point where I could put body weight on the injured arm,” Johnson explained.

“Visually, the injured arm is slightly deformed and consequently shorter than the good arm. However, I’m keen to keep getting stronger every day.”