
He said, he said: Where ex-Hunter Biden biz partner Tony Bobulinski says first brother James Biden ‘lied extensively’ to Congress

Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski told lawmakers Wednesday that first brother James Biden “lied extensively” to congressional investigators last month about the degree of Joe Biden’s involvement in his overseas business dealings.

“Jim Biden … lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on February 21, and perjured himself,” said Bobulinski, a former Navy officer who went in with James and first son Hunter Biden in a venture involving Chinese government-linked CEFC China Energy.

Below, The Post highlights some of the points of contention between the two former colleagues.

AT ISSUE: A meeting between Hunter, James and Joe Biden and Bobulinski on May 2, 2017, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski said first brother James Biden “lied extensively” in congressional testimony last month about the degree of his brother’s involvement in his overseas business dealings. Jack Gruber-USA TODAY

WHAT JAMES SAID: “I remember that my brother had a speaking engagement at the hotel. I don’t know what it was. And that we were in Los Angeles, and I met — I was outside of the hotel. I never went into the hotel with my brother.

“And it’s my recollection that — that my brother never came out and had any discussions. May have came out to say hi. That’s all.”

Q: “Said hi to whom?”

JAMES: “Me.”

Q: “When you were at the hotel, do you recall having a meeting with Hunter Biden and Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden?”

JAMES: “Absolutely not.”

Q: “It’s your testimony here today that meeting never took place?”

JAMES: “Yes, sir.”

ATTORNEY PAUL FISHMAN: “That he was present for.”

JAMES: “That I was present for.”

“Jim Biden also lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on February 21, and perjured himself,” said Bobulinski, a former Navy officer and ex-partner of the first brother and first son Hunter Biden in a venture with CEFC China Energy. Corbis via Getty Images

Q: “Did you ever talk with Hunter Biden about meeting Tony Bobulinski? Excuse me. Did you ever talk with Hunter Biden about Joe Biden meeting Tony Bobulinski?”

JAMES: “No.”

FISHMAN: “Not that he remembers.”

JAMES: “Not that I recall.”

TEXT MESSAGE FROM BOBULINSKI TO JAMES BIDEN, MAY 2, 2017: “Great to meet you and spend some time together. Please thank Joe for his time. It was great to talk. [Thanks], Tony B.”

Q: “Does this refresh your recollection that Joe Biden did meet with Tony Bobulinski?”

JAMES: “Joe Biden never met with Tony Bobulinski.”

FISHMAN: “To your knowledge.”

JAMES: “To my knowledge.”

James Biden also claimed that an agreement between himself, Hunter, Bobulinski, and two other business partners — James Gilliar and Rob Walker — was “never signed.” Getty Images

Q: “It’s your testimony here today that Tony Bobulinski never met Joe Biden in your presence. Is that correct?”

JAMES: “That’s correct.”

Q: “And it’s your testimony here today that Tony Bobulinski, you’re not aware of him meeting with Joe Biden while you were not in the room.”

JAMES: “Correct. He never, to my knowledge, met with my brother.”

WHAT TONY BOBULINSKI SAID: “The committee was so shocked by his perjury that they asked him the same question multiple times … Hunter Biden, in his own transcribed interview, confirmed that that meeting took place.”

WHAT HUNTER BIDEN SAID: “We were in the lobby bar with Mr. Bobulinski having coffee. … My uncle and myself. I think my uncle was also staying at that hotel. And so yeah. I know that, if you go further, it says — but I think that the reality is that he didn’t — anyway, my dad went and shook hands with Tony. They talked about — I believe at that time, I don’t know whether it was Tony’s father was suffering from cancer, and his sister was suffering from cancer, and he invited him to the speech at the Milken Conference.”

“Joe Biden never met with Tony Bobulinski,” James said when presented with the exchanges. “To my knowledge.” REUTERS

AT ISSUE: Whether James Biden signed an agreement to form a joint venture — known as Sinohawk Holdings — between CEFC and Oneida Holdings, which he owned with Hunter Biden, Rob Walker, James Gilliar, and Bobulinski.

WHAT JAMES BIDEN SAID: “Everybody was at 20% and Tony was one of the five partners. It was Hunter Biden, myself, [James] Gilliar. I don’t know. It was the five. Okay? And everybody was 20% Okay? You know, that was never executed. It was never signed.”

WHAT TONY BOBULINSKI SAID (prepared remarks): “Jim was then presented with a fully executed copy of the Oneida Holdings operating agreement that he and I had both signed along with Hunter Biden, Mr. James Gilliar and Mr. Robert Walker.

“I hope this Committee will hold Hunter and Jim Biden accountable for the perjury they have committed before you,” Bobulinski said in his prepared remarks. AP

WHAT JAMES SAID: “I — it’s my belief that I never had any company with those individuals.

Q: “So this particular signature, you’re saying you didn’t authorize your signature on this contract?”

JAMES: “I don’t know how to sign a — this agreement electronically.”‘

Q: “But did you talk with anyone such as … maybe the attorney for this particular matter to authorize your signature?”

FISHMAN: “That you remember.”

JAMES: “Not that I remember.”

WHAT TONY BOBULINSKI SAID (prepared remarks): “Jim is so dedicated to his lies that he describes the Oneida document, a large legal document signed by the Biden business partners, as something that I might have come up with after drinking a ‘quart of gin.’ It’s absurd.”

Hunter Biden, in his deposition before the Oversight panel on Feb. 28, confirmed that Tony Bobulinski met his father at the Beverly Hotel in Los Angeles in May 2017. AFP via Getty Images

WHAT JAMES SAID: “James Gilliar introduced [Bobulinski] to the group as being somebody with really bona fide CEO credentials and that, you know, that he did these deals of this magnitude on a regular basis and that he should be — he was trying to usurp and replace Hunter Biden …

“The only thing that I saw Tony Bobulinski was doing was, in my judgment, harassing the chairman [of CEFC], that he wanted a $10 million wire or funding for this new operation.

WHAT TONY BOBULINSKI SAID (prepared remarks): “I tried to walk away from Sinohawk multiple times only to be convinced to stay on, including on one occasion by Jim Biden himself.”

“The company was controlled by a Board of which the four of them could out-vote me on anything. They had control of the company.”

“How are the American people supposed to get the unvarnished facts and truth when the son and brother of Joe Biden are willing to perjure themselves to protect the family?”