
The week in whoppers: Chuck Schumer warns against what he himself just did, CNN analyst spins Kamala Harris’ record and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

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We say: Never fault Sen. Chuck Schumer for lacking chutzpah.

His call last week for Israelis to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t just a partisan issue for the Jewish state but for America, too: He clearly was aiming to pander to his party’s growing anti-Israel wing as the November election nears.

Indeed, it’s hard to be more partisan — and more harmful to Israel and “the US-Israeli relationship” — than that.

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We say: Lefties lost their minds when Donald Trump predicted an economic “bloodbath” if President Biden is reelected, with commentators galore insisting he meant violence.

Saner folks noted Trump was referring to the auto market, but Goldman et al. doubled down and claimed the word is never used to refer to “economic problems.”

Hmm: Someone should tell Merriam-Webster, which says “bloodbath” could mean “a major economic disaster.”

And his fellow lefties, whom social media quickly documented using the term to describe things like election results, recent changes at the Republican National Committee and, yep, the economy.

This column:

“It’s time for Kamala Harris to shine” — CNN, March 14

We say: CNN analyst Julian Zelizer lets loose a litany of wacky claims about the veep — she’s “widely” considered “highly intelligent,” can “analyze complex public policy conundrums,” etc. — in a desperate bid to convince readers (and Team Biden) she’s key to his reelection.

After all, given Biden’s age, voters fear he might not finish his term if reelected, and she’d take over.

Yet Harris has proved as much of a failure as her boss (or worse). Even Zelizer admits only 32% of voters view her positively, per a CNN poll.

Reminding America she might soon have her finger on the nuclear trigger could wind up scaring voters away from Joe.

This claim:

“Sanctions relief doesn’t go to the mullahs, it doesn’t go to the regime, it does go to the Iranian people.” — WH spokesman John Kirby, Sunday

We say: Wrong. Even if the mullahs never actually touched a dime of the billions in relief Biden has given Iran, money is fungible.

The sanctions relief means the regime doesn’t have to provide equivalent funds for the Iranian people and frees up cash to be used for weapons, terrorists and crushing internal dissent.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board