US News

Kaylee Gain ‘stable,’ breathing on her own 2 weeks after vicious caught-on-video beating by classmate: family

Missouri teenager Kaylee Gain is breathing on her own two weeks after she was mercilessly beaten, with her head repeatedly pounded on pavement, and left in a coma following a disturbing caught-on-video fight with another girl.

Gain, 16, is in a “stable” condition and has moved out of the ICU, her family wrote on GoFundMe Friday.

It is unclear if she is still in a coma. The Post has reached out to her family for comment.

“We are truly blessed by the outpouring of support and your prayers. It means so much to us!” a family member wrote.

The St. Louis teen was left with life-threatening injuries after the assault by the other student, who is not being named due to her being a minor, on March 8 in Spanish Lakes.

Kaylee Gain, 16, is in a “stable” condition and has moved out of the ICU, her family said on GoFundMe Friday. Facebook / Terry Nordstrom Thompson
The St. Louis teen was left with life-threatening injuries after the March 8 fight with another girl. Facebook

Gain suffered a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage in the caught-on-camera brawl near Hazelwood East High School.

Her classmate repeatedly pounded her head into the ground, which caused life-threatening brain swelling and bleeding.

Gain’s 15-year-old classmate was taken into custody and charged. Her charges were not revealed due to being underage. @Tomhennessey69/X
Kaylee Gain is breathing on her own and in stable condition two weeks after she was viciously beaten by a classmate. @Tomhennessey69/X
Gain suffered a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage in caught-on-camera March 8 fight near Hazelwood East High School in Spanish Lakes, Mo.

“The full scope and extent of Kaylee’s injuries and prognosis for recovery cannot be determined until, with God’s grace, she regains consciousness, and the family asks that you continue to keep Kaylee in your thoughts and prayers as she continues to recover,” Gain family lawyer Bryan Kaemmerer said in a statement Monday.

Gain’s 15-year-old classmate was taken into custody and charged with assault.

Her family defended the honor roll student, who they claimed had been “harassed and bullied” before the beatdown.

The girl’s aunt told Daily Mail she had been defending herself and begged the juvenile court to show “compassion” for the teen.

A petition also highlighted that the girl spoke four languages, plays the violin, is on the school’s volleyball team and recently began college-level AP classes.

“Prior to an incident on March 8th where she was seen defending herself from harassment and bullying, she had never been in trouble,” the post read. “Her work as a scholar was tainted by the bullying she had to endure at school.”

After the fight, the teens’ school released a statement.

“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children.

“The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need.”