
I had sex with the boss, now she’s pursuing me — what do I do?

I was on a business trip and one thing led to another and, well, I had sex with the boss. She now invites me to attend many travel events even when I have no business interest there. It was a fun one-time thing, but she’s making it very uncomfortable for me. I want to continue working for her, but not if she keeps pushing this. Any suggestions?

You know that saying — you made your bed so now…(Couldn’t resist.)

Listen, I’m not being judgmental — I’m of the mind that two consenting adults can do whatever they want in their private lives provided it remains private, doesn’t hurt or negatively impact others or the company.

However, the boss risked her job by letting that night get out of hand with a subordinate and is now committing fireable offenses by pursuing it, and by suggesting the company pay for business travel so you two can frolic on the company’s dime. Tell your boss that for her own good, this needs to end. Unless you don’t want it to end — in which case one of you should leave or transfer.

Why on earth would the government consider converting to a 32 hour work week? We can barely keep up while working 40 hours a week (and more) and we can’t afford to shut down the business one day a week.

Because apparently the government is envious of the French economy for some reason.

The 32-hour workweek plan doesn’t contemplate that all businesses would suddenly shut down one day a week. It would make overtime pay for hourly workers go into effect sooner, giving more people more money.

Or, it would force employers to hire more workers to cover normal business hours.

Either way, the effect is a higher cost to run a business, and guess who ends up paying for the reduced work-week? Everyone, in higher prices to offset the costs. I love many things about France, but their economy and work policies are neither of them.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Wed. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: [email protected]. Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande