
My spiteful mother-in-law ruined my $9K gender reveal — people tell us we should press charges

In a TikTok video that sounds like the unhinged plot of a reality TV show, a Dad influencer has shared how his mum allegedly ruined he and his wife’s gender reveal. 

Candace and Wesley are influencers known for their candid vlogs about family life, including their adventures with twins and the anticipation of their new arrival.

They recently planned a gender reveal party that cost a hefty $9,000, and Wesley was excited to finally afford a lavish event like this. 

The fiery text exchange and a 10-second phone call

The drama started about a week prior to the event, Wesley explained in the TikTok video, when a text conversation between Candace and her mother-in-law, Michelle, about the party turned sour. 

Michelle offered to help with the event, but Candace politely declined, as she was organizing it with her sisters and mom, who live out of state but wanted to be involved. 

Wesley and Candace’s gender reveal was ruined by his mother. Instagram/@candacenysm

As a consolation for Michelle, who was clearly offended, Candace said: “But we might need help setting up on the day of if you can get there at 2:30!”

Michelle bluntly responded, “Am I getting paid?”

Confused, Candace asked her mother-in-law why she thought she’d be getting paid for helping out, especially since she’d offered to help. 

“Because I’m not your f–king maid,” Michelle replied.

Candace then burst into tears and ran into the room where Wesley was to show him the texts. 

“There is a grand total of zero people that is ever going to cuss out my wife,” Wesley said protectively in the clip.

He then made a 10-second phone call to his mum, telling her to never speak to his wife like that again and uninviting her from the gender reveal. He then hung up and blocked her number. 

But the story didn’t end there. 

The countdown began…

As the party approached, Michelle’s attempts to make amends and secure an invitation to the day were denied by the couple, who remained firm in their decision. 

“We appreciate your apologies, but you crossed the line, and you’re not coming,” Wesley told his mom.

Cut to the big day, and Michelle made a last-ditch attempt to get back into their good books. But Wesley told her, “I’m not going to feel bad because you talked to my wife in a way you shouldn’t have.”

“Okay,” Michelle replied. “I have no choice then.”

So suspenseful (and dramatic!)

The mother-in-law allegedly pulled the fire alarm at the event. TikTok/@candacenysm

Everything was going well during the party, and the couple enjoyed themselves with family and friends. 

Around 30 minutes before the actual reveal part of the day, Candace had a change of heart and asked Wesley to invite his mom. 

She replied, “Okay, I’ll be there,” but as they approached the countdown, she still hadn’t arrived. 

Not wanting to wait any longer, the couple started their 60-second countdown before they would unload the confetti canon, but at second 13, “I’ll never forget second 13”, the fire alarm goes off. 

The venue was plunged into darkness, and the sprinkler system wet everyone in its tracks. Guests scrambled outside and waited for the fire department to arrive. 

Meanwhile, Michelle was found sitting outside, nonchalantly smoking a cigarette amidst the chaos.

It’s a reality TV episode, I’m telling you!

Immediately, the couple approached her for answers, but she denied any involvement. 

So, Wesley’s now asking his followers: Do they think it was his mom? Or an unfortunate coincidence?

The internet was unsure what to do with the grandma-to-be. Instagram/@candacenysm

“Cut her off. She can enjoy grandkids in pictures,” wrote one person.

“She absolutely did it. And I commend you hugely for how you take care of your wife and her mental health,” said another.

“Good for you! She had no right to do that to Candace. I’m proud of you,” replied another commenter.

However, a few followers thought they should have invited the mum after she apologized. 

“My thing is, if she apologized and you guys accepted the apology… you’re being petty at that point for holding that grudge and dangling the reveal in her face,” opined one.

Another said: “OMG, life is too short, and when your mother is no longer here, you will feel awful – believe me, I know I went through this with my mum. Just put it behind you.”

This person then suggested, “Get the police to check security video in order to press charges for the amount someone cost you…pull the tapes!!”