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Texas teacher unhappy with Biden and Trump changes name to Literally Anybody Else to run for prez

Unhappy with having to choose between President Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump? Now you can vote for Literally Anybody Else.

A Texas math teacher has legally changed his name to Literally Anybody Else to run for president in protest at what he sees as a dire choice of candidates from the two main parties.

The former Dustin Ebey, 35, an Army veteran and seventh-grade math teacher in suburban Dallas, got a Tarrant County judge to sign off on his unusual new name, which now also appears on his driver’s license, WFAA reported.

Literally Anybody Else has announced a run for the White House. WFAA

He has filed to run in the general election, envisioning a ballot reading, “Donald Trump, Joe Biden … and under it, Literally Anybody Else.”

“It’s not necessarily about me as a person but it’s about ‘Literally Anybody Else’ as an idea,” he told the outlet.

“With 300 million people, we can do better” than Trump and Biden, he argued.

“There really should be some outlet for folks like me who are so fed up with this constant power grab between two parties that just has no benefit to the common person.”

The would-be commander-in-chief, who has filed with the Federal Election Commission, attended a recent Dallas Stars hockey game at the American Airlines Center, where he wore a cap bearing his new name.

Else sought signatures to try to land a long-shot spot on the Lone Star State’s November ballot as an independent candidate.

Else needs a whopping 113,151 signatures from non-primary voters by May 13 to get his quirky name on the ballot, according to the outlet, which noted that his best chance is to apply as a write-in candidate.

Donald Trump AFP via Getty Images
President Biden REUTERS

“I’m not delusional. This will be very hard to do, but it’s not impossible,” he told WFAA.

“We don’t really have a ‘neither’ option on the ballot, and this kind of fills that role,” he said.

According to a recent ABC/Ipsos poll, Americans were asked if they’d trust Trump, Biden or neither to better lead the nation: 36% picked Trump, 33% chose Biden — while 30% trusted neither.

“People are voting for the lesser of two evils, not someone they actually believe in or support,” Else told WFAA. “People should have the option to vote for someone who resembles and represents them, not the lesser of two evils. I reject that.”

The former insurance adjuster, who traveled extensively as a singer in the US Army Chorus, said he considers himself a political centrist — but has beliefs from both the right and the left.

“I would love to get up on the debate stage and bring some reality to what’s happening. I’m there because both of them aren’t enough,” he told the outlet.

“We have the responsibility to stand up for ourselves and say enough is enough. Let everyone know we’re not hopeless,” he said. “If you want to accomplish something no one ever has — you have to do something no one’s ever done.”