
NYPD cop killed in Queens traffic stop: Letters to the Editor — March 27, 2024

The Issue: The shooting death of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller in Far Rockaway on Monday morning.

Today we mourn the senseless killing of Officer Jonathan Diller (“NYPD cop shot dead,” March 26).

The shooter and his accomplice have blood on their hands. So do Gov. Hochul and all the Democratic members of our state Senate and Assembly for fostering the total collapse of society and our criminal-justice system. Instead of protecting the public, these politicians would rather push their distorted ideology on the law-abiding citizens of New York.

They are unwavering in their support for the thugs that prey upon us. They refuse to acknowledge that failing to enforce petty crimes like farebeating only encourages the commission of more severe crimes like rape and murder.

Joe Cimino

Middle Village

It’s time: Our leaders in power have to go. Citizens are sick of the recent crime wave and horrible bail laws.

New York is going down the tubes, yet the city’s residents keep voting for the same people. Our politicians made these rules and aren’t willing to change them, so New York needs to wake up and vote them out.

Phil MacDonald

Marine Park

I was heartbroken and driven to tears reading about the cold-blooded murder of Diller.

While obviously incredibly tragic, this should not come as a surprise to anyone. Half of this country supports the political party that foments this type of behavior.

When we see these politicians put criminals ahead of law-abiding victims every day and demonize the police as “systemically racist,” what else do you expect to happen?

Please, police officers in New York and other major cities: Weigh the risks of apprehending suspects, knowing you could be attacked or even prosecuted for it. Remember that suspects will likely be released.

Joseph Grassi

Port St. Lucie, Fla.

A police officer was killed by a career criminal on Monday.

New York has turned into the sewer it once was before former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Subway ridership is down because of crime. Keep putting people like Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams in office, and this will continue to happen.

The “defund the police” movement caused this. We need more police and district attorneys willing to lock these career criminals up.

Just once I would like to wake up in the morning, have my coffee, read The Post and not see someone murdered in this city.

Jerry Esposito


Diller, the epitome of all that was good, was taken from his beautiful family and the city he served by a savage career criminal who, in a functional society, would have been in prison.

New York politicians, lawmakers and the voters who put them in power need to save their usual platitudes and hang their heads in shame. You all failed Diller and are complicit in his murder.

Diller’s wife and young son have had their hearts ripped out and their lives forever saddened. The last thing they need are the people responsible for their unfathomable loss taking the stage and pontificating.

Thomas Urban


One of New York’s finest, Jonathan Diller, was killed by Guy Rivera, a convicted felon with 21 prior arrests. Rivera used an illegal weapon.

All we hear after something like this happens is the mayor or other politicians calling for better gun control and incarcerations for repeat offenders. We’re well past the time for talking, yet lawmakers in Albany are too concerned with the welfare of criminals to do anything about it.

Dick Mills


Now we have a dead police officer.

Do you still think the city is safe, Mayor Adams? When are you going to realize that this city is in trouble? All you say after every press conference is that this must stop. Well, if you can’t stop this violence, then you should step down and let somebody into office who will.

Who is gonna tell Diller’s little boy that his daddy is gone?

Gene O’Brien


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.