
DeSantis signs law to crack down on squatters, empower police

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis formally signed legislation into law Wednesday to ratchet up penalties against squatters and empower law enforcement to go after them.

The new law, which is set to go into effect on July 1 seeks to ensure property owners are no longer forced into lengthy and expensive court proceedings to remove squatters — individuals who inhabit property without the right to do so.

“We are putting an end to the squatters scam in Florida,” DeSantis proclaimed in a statement. “While other states are siding with the squatters, we are protecting property owners and punishing criminals looking to game the system.”

The law garnered overwhelming support in the Florida legislature. AP

That bill, HB 621, cleared the state legislature with overwhelming support and works to shorten the process for clearing squatters.

Under the new policy, homeowners can simply file a complaint to local law enforcement, which can then immediately remove them if the individual is unlawfully on the property, the individual was told but refused to leave, and that individual is not tangled up in a tenant dispute.

In other words, if law enforcement shows up and squatters can’t produce the paperwork to prove they legitimately live there, officials can remove them quickly.

“Florida is once again leading the nation, this time in securing our state against squatters,” Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody said.

“Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood across the border. After video evidence of their plan to take over homes emerged, we’re ensuring Floridians are protected from this egregious and brazen scheme.”

In addition to the streamlined removal process, HB 621 establishes tough penalties for squatters, including making it a first-degree misdemeanor to make false statements in order to falsely convey property rights.

It also makes it a second-degree felony to trespass on a residential property with $1,000 or more in damages and a first-degree felony for “knowingly advertising the sale or rent of a residential property without legal authority or ownership.”

During the signing ceremony, DeSantis ripped into a favorite target of his, Democrat-controlled states.

Ron DeSantis argued that property owners should have to face lengthy court battles to remove squatters. AP

“They’re siding with the squatters,” DeSantis claimed. “In fact, we have seen squatters move in and claim residence. This forces a massive, long, drawn-out judicial review before they can even be removed from the property.”

“These are people that never had a right to be in the property to begin with.”

The Post has reported extensively on a variety of squatting snafus afflicting the Empire State. Earlier this month, for instance, The Post reported how Brett Fisher Flores managed to worm his way into a $2 million Queens mansion.

The governor was flanked by victims and advocates against squatting. AP

Flores claimed to have a “license” to stay there, according to a source.

That mansion was purchased by Susana and Joseph Landa, who planned to retire there. But instead, they were dragged into a lengthy court battle.

Florida has faced complications with squatters invading the boating community.