
President Biden’s celeb-packed $25M fundraiser is the height of Dem elitism

Thursday night offered the chance to have a glam photographer snap you slapping hands with President Biden, or predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, for a donation of a mere $100,000 to Biden’s re-election campaign: Pretty posh for the supposed party of the working class.

The Radio City Music Hall event featured a three-prez chat moderated by “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, plus performances from Queen Latifah, Lizzo, Lea Michele and more.

With tickets ranging up to $500,000 a pop, the campaign reportedly pulled in $25 million before the doors even opened, a nice addition to the $155 million the Biden-Harris effort has in hand, en route to likely raising a billion or two total (not counting soft, dark and other off-the-record money).

That’s a lot of cash to fund ads telling regular Americans that Joe’s fighting for them.

Too bad the facts say otherwise, with Bidenflation (and the killer interest rates needed to fight it) stretching paychecks ever harder.

Heck, voters are so upset on pocketbook issues that Biden and his team have completely quit talking up “Bidenomics.”

Look: We’re all for star-filled, luxe Manhattan events (Page Six was there!), but proudly sucking in campaign cash from fat cats in hopes you can buy your way to victory in November sure seems a questionable tactic.

Especially when ex-President Donald Trump marked the day by attending the wake for Police Officer Jonathan Diller, whose murder Biden has yet to mention.

While Trump was at the Massapequa wake, Biden mingled with boldface names at the ritzy Essex House hotel on Central Park South.

Reveling in decadence while a cop family mourns and Americans pinch pennies sure exposes Biden’s true base: trendy liberals in the highest income brackets.

At last February’s Democratic National Committee meeting, Biden groaned that many blue-collar workers had fled to the Republican Party: “A lot of them came to believe we stopped paying attention to working class the way we used to.”

Can’t imagine why.