
Manhattan to be traffic hell Thursday as Biden, Obama and Clinton hit town for record $25M Radio City fundraiser

It’s a presidential trifecta — and a traffic nightmare.

Manhattan is expected to descend into gridlock Thursday as President Biden comes together with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for an extravagant fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall.

Traffic barriers were already up around the famous Midtown venue by 7 a.m. — though the NYPD has not confirmed what exact road closures will be put in place, PIX11 reported.

President Joe Biden and former president Barack Obama step off Air Force One upon arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Thursday. AFP via Getty Images
Radio City Music Hall prepares for President Biden’s arrival Thursday night. Robert Miller

The 81-year-old commander-in-chief — who is struggling with a dismal 40% approval rating just a few months ahead of the November election — is hoping to rake in a staggering $25 million, which would make the event the most successful political fundraiser in history.

More than 5,000 people paid between $250 and $250,000 to attend the event, a Democrat familiar with the planning said.

In addition to Obama and Clinton, Biden has recruited some star power to give oomph to his faltering campaign — including “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, who will guide the trio’s “armchair conversation.”

Queen Latifah, Lizzo, Ben Platt, Cynthia Erivo and Lea Michele are also slated to perform.

Thursday’s fundraiser is expected to garner up to $25M. AFP via Getty Images
Queen Latifah, Lizzo, Ben Platt, Cynthia Erivo and Lea Michele are also slated to perform. AFP via Getty Images
Biden’s arrival is likely to disrupt NYC traffic. Robert Miller
Metal barriers are set up for Biden’s arrival and planned protests. Robert Miller

Big-ticket attendees will also have their picture taken with the three presidents by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.

American voters will have to shell out $25 to watch the fundraiser extravaganza virtually as it will not be televised.


“Democrats are unified and energized behind President Biden’s reelection campaign — and that will be on full display this Thursday in New York City,” Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement to the Hill.

With Post wires