
The Apple Magic Mouse is at its lowest price anywhere this weekend at Walmart

Ah, the weekend.

A chance to turn off the work computer and close the Slack and Gmail apps on your phone. A chance to get away from screens that you’re paid to look at, and get closer to the screens you would prefer to look at.

Sayonara, work laptop! Time to watch TV, and scroll on your own, personal laptop that has all your stuff on it! Goodbye, bad screen, hello good screen! And if you’re in need of an extra scrolling aid this weekend, we suggest picking up the best deal on the internet on the Apple Magic Mouse, available at the shockingly low price of $68.36 this weekend from Walmart.

Ready to go right out of the box and Bluetooth enabled, the Apple Magic Mouse is designed with an optimized foot design that lets it glide smoothly across your desk. Swipe, scroll, and click with ease, thanks to the Mouse’s Multi-Touch surface, allowing you to perform simple gestures such as swiping between web pages and scrolling through documents, all with the click or flick of a button.

Ready to get scrolling?

Apple Magic Mouse Wireless Bluetooth Rechargeable

Apple Magic Mouse Wireless Bluetooth Rechargeable

The Apple Magic Mouse blends sleek design with advanced functionality, featuring a multi-touch surface for gesture controls, such as swiping between web pages and scrolling through documents. Its wireless connectivity and rechargeable battery offer a clutter-free workspace. This mouse is lauded for its precision tracking and seamless integration with Apple devices, and it’s under $70 today at Walmart!

Hunting for a headline-worthy haul? Keep shopping with Post Wanted.