
Stalker creep calls woman ‘cute’ before following her off NYC subway train into building

A creep called a woman “cute” before following her between subway cars — and then terrifyingly out onto the street and into a Queens building, according to cops and newly released video.

The 48-year-old woman was riding a northbound J train at the Cypress Hills station around 6:30 a.m. March 19 when the suspect stared at her and said, “Hey, you cute,” police said.

The woman switched to another train car to avoid the stranger, but he followed her, sat directly across from her and continued staring at her, police said. 

When the woman got off the train at the Jamaica-Parsons/Archer Avenue station, the same menace trailed behind her — and when she started running, he sped up too, according to footage released by the NYPD early Friday. 

A creep called a woman “cute” before stalking her between train cars during her Brooklyn-to-Queens commute -- and then terrifyingly followed her onto the street and into a building, according to cops and disturbing video.
The terrifying encounter unfolded when the creep called a woman “cute” on board a northbound J train at the Cypress Hills station, cops said. NYPD
Surveillance image of a young male in blue t-shirt and sweatpants, believed to be stalking a woman at Cypress Hills subway station
When the woman got off the train at the Jamaica-Parsons/Archer Avenue station, the creep followed her. Google Maps

Once inside the building, the two got into an “altercation,” cops said.

It’s unclear whether the victim physically fought off the stalker — but the confrontation was enough to scare him away. 

The suspect ran off and hadn’t been caught by Friday.

He is described as between 20 and 25 years old, about 5-foot-5 and 140 pounds, with black hair — last seen wearing a blue T-shirt, blue sweatpants, and light-colored sneakers, cops said.