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Bunny Museum celebrates Easter weekend with over 45K hare-raising items on display

It’s a museum with a little something for every bunny.

This Easter weekend, hundreds are expected to visit California’s Bunny Museum, which features more than 45,000 hare-raising items on display.

The self-appointed “Hoppiest Place on Earth” is in Altadena, about 5 miles north of Pasadena, and was opened in 1998 by married couple Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski.

The 7,000-square-foot, two-storied museum is devoted to everything rabbit-related, and features bunny-themed art pieces, antiques, pop culture relics, toys, and jewelry.

The Bunny Museum boasts tons of rabbit-inspired art. Facebook/TheBunnyMuseum
There are thousands of collectibles — and a cat — at the museum. Facebook/TheBunnyMuseum

“The Bunny Museum received its third Guinness World Record in 2023. Previous awards were in 2011 and 1999,” Frazee told SFGATE. “Those years were each a Year of the Bunny. We did that on purpose and plan to continue updating the record count every 12 years.”

In addition to live rabbits guests can pet, there are wooden eggs used in past White House Easter Egg rolls, as well as nine original Rose Parade float bunnies.

A collection of dust bunnies is also on display at the museum, which features installations devoted to Peter Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, and the Energizer Bunny. One exhibit even features an actual rabbit hole visitors can peer into.

The Bunny Museum is open seven days a week. Facebook/TheBunnyMuseum
The Bunny Museum has been open since 1998. Facebook/TheBunnyMuseum

Some of the most recent additions to the museum’s collection are items related to hitmaking Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny.

But it’s not all cute and fuzzy.

For visitors 13 and over, there’s the Chamber of Hop Horrors and an exhibit chronicling the cruel treatment rabbits have endured over the years, from being used to test beauty products to having their amputated feet used as good luck charms.