US News

Michael Rapaport rips progressive lawmakers, Democrats: ‘I will not vote for Joe Biden’

Actor Michael Rapaport offered a blistering take-down of progressive lawmakers and the Democrats in a new interview.

“In all honesty, I have educated myself so much since 2016, and I have a ways to go. My political views have changed immensely and they’re changing at a rapid pace,” Rapaport said while sitting on the shores of an Israeli beach.

Michael Rapaport speaking to a crowd outside the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv, demanding the return of hostages held in Gaza
Actor Michael Rapaport has become an outspoken advocate for Israel. Getty Images

The interview was conducted by a representative of the prominent pro-western news aggregator Visegrad24.

“I will not vote for Joe Biden. I do not support anybody from The Squad, I think they’re totally full of s—, I think they’re dangerous, I think they’re race hustlers, I think they’re cons, I think inevitably they want to get themselves production deals to produce documentaries, I think they’re three-card monte-playing bulls— artists, I think they totally have an agenda.”

Rapaport, a one-time standard liberal Democrat, said the war in Israel has colored his views.

Group photo of Rep. Jamaal Bowman with 'The Squad' members Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Summer Lee, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, alongside an unidentified person
Rapaport condemned the Squad and said he would consider voting for Donald Trump. @RepBowman, @RepBowman, @RepBowman, @RepBowman, @RepBowman, @RepBowman/X

“At this point, when we’re doing this interview, voting for Trump is on the table,” Rapaport added. “People are like ‘What are you talking about?’ That’s my reality, that is my reality. I will not support anybody who’s anti-Israel.”

Rapaport also alluded to the United States’ ongoing crisis at the border, where millions of illegal migrants have streamed in since President Biden took office.

“I’m not supporting anybody that is cool with the fact that it takes me two and a half hours to get back into America from Toronto” due to passport control, he said, noting “it takes you two minutes to cross the border, I’m not down with that s—t.”