
Trump rages against Louisiana Republican: ‘One of the worst senators in the United States’ 

Former President Donald Trump raged against Sen. Bill Cassidy on Monday, calling the Louisiana Republican “one of the worst senators in the United States Senate.” 

Trump, 77, who endorsed Cassidy in his 2020 re-election campaign, fumed over the senator’s 2021 vote to convict him at his impeachment trial for his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol Building.

“A TOTAL FLAKE, Republican though he may be,” the presumptive GOP nominee for president wrote on Truth Social

Cassidy voted to convict Trump in his 2021 impeachment trial. POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Cassidy was one of seven Senate Republicans who voted to convict Trump of inciting an insurrection. 

“Cassidy is a total ‘stiff,’ but Louisiana didn’t need him to protect them, because they had ME, 100%!” Trump wrote. “Nevertheless, when the Democrats’ Impeachment Hoax started, this Lamebrain Senator actually voted against me.”

“He thought it was so ‘cool,’ until he got home, and was literally pelted with everything that could be used for such an inglorious happening, especially words, with lots of foul language thrown in.”

The former president noted that he’s “been too busy beating up the Communists, Fascists, and Lunatics who have weaponized our Government against Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME, to think much” about Cassidy — though Trump has previously lashed out at the senator. 

Trump argued that Cassidy has been “shunned” in Louisiana. Getty Images

Trump claimed that Cassidy had his eye on running for governor in the Bayou State last year but opted against it after he endorsed Republican Jeff Landry.

“Bill Cassidy is now shunned in his own State as a disloyal lightweight, and it’s a beautiful thing to watch,” the former president said. 

Last year, Cassidy declared that Trump  “cannot win” the 2024 White House election, asserting that President Biden and Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were the only viable options. 

DeSantis dropped out of the presidential primary race earlier this year, and numerous polls show Trump leading Biden in a rematch of the 2020 election. 

“Cassidy is a total ‘stiff,’ but Louisiana didn’t need him to protect them, because they had ME, 100%!” Trump wrote. “Nevertheless, when the Democrats’ Impeachment Hoax started, this Lamebrain Senator actually voted against me.” AFP via Getty Images

More recently, Cassidy criticized Trump during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” in March over the former president’s rhetoric toward migrants entering the country illegally, calling it “dehumanizing.”

“That’s why again, many people continue to have reservations,” Cassidy said. “And I say the best thing going for Donald Trump running for president is that he’s running against Joe Biden, about whom many people also have reservations. And frankly, that’s why people are considering third parties. So it’s a sorry state of affairs.”

Cassidy is one of 15 GOP senators who have yet to endorse Trump for president in 2024.

The Post has reached out to Cassidy’s office for comment.