World News

Missing snake on lam for year reappears when crow drops it on British garage — on April Fool’s Day


A pet snake that was missing for more than a year serendipitously turned up Monday after a crow dropped it on the roof of a British garage.

A homeowner first spotted the three-foot-long corn snake in her garden and called for the local Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals unit to rescue the lost serpent.

Agnes the snake was missing for more than a year when she was found on April Food’s Day. RSPCA / SWNS
Animal rescuers suspect Agnes was dropped onto a garage by a crow. RSPCA / SWNS

The tan-colored reptile vanished, however, by the time the animal wrangled arrived — only to turn up on the roof of a nearby garage.

“We suspect that a crow had given the snake a not-so-helpful ‘leg-up’, but thankfully we were able to come to her aid,” the RSPCA said in a Facebook post, emphasizing that the incredible tale was no April Fool’s Day joke.

It turns out that the snake was actually a pet named Agnes who had escaped from her home more than a year earlier.

Somehow, the scrappy serpent had not only fended for herself for over 12 months — but made it through a brutally cold winter.

Agnes suffered only a respiratory infection from spending the winter outdoors, but is already on the mend. RSPCA / SWNS

“She was found to have a respiratory infection from being outside in the cold, but it’s a miracle that she survived at all after so long,” said the RSPCA.

Agnes has since recovered from her illness and now is on the hunt for a new home — and has plenty of suitors pining to call her theirs.