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King Charles and Queen Camilla’s ‘emotional’ wedding anniversary celebration plans revealed

With their 19th wedding anniversary fast approaching, King Charles III and Queen Camilla are gearing up to mark the occasion with a private celebration.

The pair, who tied the knot on April 9, 2005, will make the most of their special day despite major health woes plaguing the royal family at this time.

In fact, the pair will mark their anniversary with an intimate “romantic dinner,” according to the monarch’s former butler Grant Harrold.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are gearing up to celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary next week. AP

“I can’t believe it’s 19 years this year. I was there that day, in the church. They’ll celebrate it, but they’re not big [on celebrations],” Harrold said of the couple.

“They don’t have parties or anything like that at all. Maybe for 20 years, they will. But it’s normally marked privately between the two of them. I’m sure there’ll be a card and then a gift, very similar to the way that other people celebrate it.”

The pair’s special day will no doubt be more “emotional” and “poignant” this year than most, Harrold adds.

“I have no doubt they’ll be together for the occasion, and I’m sure behind closed doors, they’ll probably have a romantic dinner with just the two of them,” he shared of the pair, who tied the knot 35 years after they first met in 1970.

Charles, who is in the thick of his cancer treatment following his diagnosis in February, has been forced to hit the brakes on much of his royal agenda since news of his ailing health came to light.

“With the king’s treatment he might not have any other people there, so it is likely to be private between the two of them,” His Majesty’s former butler noted.

The pair tied the knot in Windsor on April 9, 2005. AP
Charles and Camilla wed 35 years after they first met in 1970. AFP via Getty Images

Harrold, who worked for the couple between 2004 and 2011, says the king and queen will receive “thousands” of cards from well wishers from across the globe on their anniversary.

“They get thousands. They can’t read them all, it’s impossible, you can’t send them hundreds of thousands of cards and think they’re going to see them all,” he said on behalf of Spin Genie.

“What happens, just to give people a bit of hope, is the cards go to the office and they do all get read.”

The duo will mark their special day with a “romantic dinner,” according to the king’s former butler. Getty Images

“As far as I know, as many as possible, as is sensible, get responded to,” he continued. “There is always a cross section that’s taken out and put separately and that cross section is then presented to the relevant members of the royal family to read.”

It comes as Harrold revealed that “workaholic” Charles has come to be “frustrated” over the current face of the monarchy after the Firm was forced to undergo a major reshuffle.