
Missing dog found 2,300 miles away in Detroit after vanishing from California home eight months ago

You’ll always find your way back home…even if it’s thousands of miles away!

A terrier-mix dog named Mishka is back with her family in San Diego after escaping eight months ago, turning up some 2,300 miles away in Metro Detroit.

Mehrad and Elizabeth Houman were overjoyed to be reunited with their precious three-year-old pooch on March 28, believing she had been stolen, according to a Facebook post from July.

Last month, police in Harper Woods, Michigan responded to a stray dog call that turned out to be little Mishka. The officers took her Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society, where they discovered she was microchipped and a long way from home.

The couple was thrilled to know she was safe, but confused how the tiny dog managed to cover so much ground.

“I put up over a thousand flyers. I had a flyer on my back windshield. I wore her leash whenever I would look for her…Now, I just want to find out how she got to Michigan,” Elizabeth told AP. “I never gave up.”

Elizabeth Housman and Mishka.
Mishka was reunited with her owners, Mehrad and Elizabeth Houman, on March 28 after the terrier-mix dog was picked up by police in Detroit. Facebook/Elizabeth Houman

The family and Corinne Martin, the director of the animal group, believe Mishka had been stolen while on her “incredible journey.”

“She was clean, well-fed. Whoever had her took good care of her,” Veterinarian Nancy Pillsbury told The Associated Press. “How she got here — that’s a story only Mishka knows.”

Mishka also learned a new trick during her unexplained absence — how to sit on command — increasing the Houmans’ suspicions she had been stolen.

Mehrad, Elizabeth, their daughter, and Mishka.
When the call came, the Houmans were on a flight to visit family in Minneapolis, and immediately upon landing, Mehrad drove straight to Detroit to pick up their missing pooch. Facebook/Elizabeth Houman

When the call came, the Houmans were on a flight to visit family in Minneapolis, and immediately upon landing, Mehrad drove straight to Detroit to pick up their missing pooch, according to FOX 2 Detroit.

The dog instantly recognized Mehrad and happily started “jumping in her cage” when she saw him. When he returned home, she began excitedly licking Elizabeth.

“I’ve been missing my kid [Mishka], so that’s I think, what anybody would do to go get their kid back,” Mehrad told the local outlet.

The Post has reached out to the couple for comment.

With Post wires.