
Solar eclipse 2024 rituals: An exorcist reveals how to balance energy and clear the way for change

Darkness cometh, my babies.

On Monday, April 8, 2024, we will experience a total solar eclipse in the fire-forward, progress-at-all-costs sign of Aries. A large portion of the United States will fall within or close to the path of totality, meaning many will witness this visual phenomenon — and all among us will feel its effects.

Acclaimed nondenominational exorcistauthor and energy specialist Rachel (R.H.) Stavis is on hand to explain how to navigate in the dark and find a path forward within it.

As Stavis tells the Post, “Spiritually, solar eclipses have long been associated with transformation and renewal, and the same is true for our energy. It’s time to usher in the new. How do you want to change and grow? What blocks do you want to overcome?

Everything to know about the 2024 solar eclipse

  • The solar eclipse will take place Monday, April 8, blocking the sun for over 180 million people in its path.
  • The eclipse will expand from Mexico’s Pacific Coast across North America, hitting 15 US states and pulling itself all the way to the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
  • New Yorkers will experience the solar eclipse just after 2 p.m. Monday.
  • A huge explosion on the sun, known as a coronal mass ejection, is anticipated, according to experts. This happens when massive particles from the sun are hurled out into space, explains Ryan French of the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado.
  • To avoid serious injury to the eyes, it is necessary to view the event through proper eyewear like eclipse glasses, or a handheld solar viewer, during the partial eclipse phase before and after totality.
  • The next total solar eclipse will take place on Aug. 12, 2026, and totality will be visible to those in Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Russia and a small slice of Portugal. 

“Everything begins right now, so let’s harness this energy and notice where we are stagnant and clear anything that holds us back!”

When the sun is cloaked in darkness, we are invited to see our own shadows for what they are. Giovanni Nitti –

Fun fact: the word eclipse comes from the Greek ekleipsis meaning “to abandon, to forsake a usual place.”

In this sense, we can understand the energy of this eclipse as a point of disembarkment, leaving behind anything that isn’t aiding and abetting us on the path of processing and progressing.

The first step in cutting loose the stagnant and welcoming the fresh blood of new beginnings is to recognize the role of light and dark within and around us.

Stavis — whose bestselling memoir, “Sister of Darkness,” is being adapted into a television series — explains that the eclipse is an excellent opportunity to accept and integrate our own shadows.

“During the eclipse, the sun and moon align, representing a symbolic balance of opposing dark and light forces, an opportune time to find balance within ourselves. Oftentimes, we find our darkness
uncomfortable and avoid it, but to be whole, we need to see it, accept it and understand how it serves us.”

How to discern light from dark?

Light energy vs. dark energy

Exorcist Rachel Stavis explains how to integrate our shadows in honor of the eclipse.

“Our ‘light’ energies are all about love, compassion, caring, joy, beauty and empathy, while our ‘dark’
energies are about suffering, anxiety, perfectionism, fear, lack and jealousy. To heal some of these dark energies, we need to look back into the past and see where they were created — as well as when they protected us.”

This solar eclipse coincides with Mercury retrograde, a transit that calls us to revisit old patterns, revise limiting beliefs and reconcile who we were, what we loved and what once fed us with what we need now.

This solar eclipse coincides with Mercury retrograde, a transit that calls us to revisit old patterns, revise limiting beliefs and reconcile who we were, what we loved, and what once fed us with what we need now.

“As you examine your own past and dark energy, ask yourself, ‘As I navigate this journey through my darkness, what am I grateful for? What elements of my darkness are no longer serving me? What can I release from my energy here? What can I keep, and integrate into my light energy?'” Stavis tells The Post. “Don’t be afraid! Both your dark and light energies are what make you you!

“Beyond the eclipse, this spring is about embracing more happiness, more joy, new beginnings and new blessings. It’s time to step into the sunshine!”

Find Rachel’s recommendations and ritual for the eclipse below and read your April horoscope here.

Cleanse your home

Burn a bundle to bring the good juju of the new new into your home. Rustic Witch –

“As the eclipse ushers in a brand new cycle, let’s shoo the negative energy lingering in your sacred
spaces. It’s time for something fresh! Here is a powerful spring blend for cleansing.”

The following is meant to be burned or diffused:
● Rose petals for love and self-love
● Lavender for purifying and bringing calm energy
● Amber resin for health and healing
● Rosemary for protection against negative energy
● Frankincense to seal your space in high-frequency

“Once that’s done, CHANGE THE ENERGY by bringing in plants, artwork or even paint! Red, yellow and
orange tones are all associated with renewal and passion, so incorporate more of these colors into your

Have a bonfire to release negative/stagnant energy

Burn your way to a new beginning. Pavlo Klymenko –

As this eclipse is happening in a cardinal fire sign, burning what was to make way for what is to be is a wonderful way to pay homage.

“Solar eclipses briefly snuff out the sun — our biggest and most profound symbol of fire energy. So let’s take a moment to reclaim our own fire energy and clear out the past by building a fire outdoors!”

R.H. Stavis

“Solar eclipses briefly snuff out the sun — our biggest and most profound symbol of fire energy,” Stavis tells The Post. “So let’s take a moment to reclaim our own fire energy and clear out the past by building a fire outdoors! When you light the fire, visualize any negative energy you’ve experienced this winter leaving your body with the flames. When the fire is out, your new energetic season will begin!”


THIS YEAR’S ENERGY SAYS YOU ARE DONE WITH: ✨ Drama ✨ Selfishness ✨ Exhaustion ✨ Playing games/fanning flames If they cannot see your worth or reciprocate, you won’t have a tolerance for them anymore – even if you want to! #goodbye #empath #spirituality #2024 #energy #relationship #foryou #healing #sisterofdarkness

♬ Overcome – Skott

Revel in reciprocity

Practice the art of reciprocity with an offering of and for spring. sonyachny –

This eclipse is happening in the zodiac sign of Aries. Representing the proverbial I/ID, the challenge of Aries energy is balancing autonomy and connection, the desires of the self with the need to belong to — and selflessly serve — something larger.

“Reciprocity is a BIG theme of the solar eclipse. Are you asking for too much from others? Are you giving too much without receiving?” Stavis explains. “This is something to explore with friendships and relationships and also with spirit. On the morning of the eclipse, put out an offering of spring’s most wonderful things: flowers, fruit, bread, honey and chocolate. Leave the offering outside for three days or until the items are gone, whichever comes first.”

Aries energy is balancing autonomy and connection, the desires of the self with the need to belong to — and selflessly serve — something larger.

Give to get, a basket for a benefit — can dig.

Get unstuck with a salt bath

Soak away emotional stickiness with a salt bath. Maridav –

Stavis recommends soaking off the stagnant during or after the eclipse.

“Grab yourself some Himalayan salt, some flower petals and some magnesium, and take an energy-clearing bath! As you soak, imagine a beautiful pink light filling your body, starting at the crown,” he says. “As it moves through you, all the old energy that was trapped will be released into the water. When you feel ready, open the drain and see the old energy leaving with the bath water.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girl’s guide” to strip clubs, and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.