Food & Drink

Wedding guests unleash on cost-cutting couples who skimp on food and booze to save money

Weddings are supposed to be a happy blur of expensive flowers, white taffeta gowns and top-shelf liquor on the open bar. Right?

Well, a shocking number of nuptial attendees are needling their hosts on a lively Reddit thread that spills the champagne on some of the most embarrassingly cheap functions they’ve attended.

Sure, wedding guests are essentially present to celebrate the magical union of their loved ones, but it goes without saying that they’re also present for the free food and drink.

One person noted they attended a buffet with just Ritz crackers, turkey pepperoni and cheese. andkov81 –

And if they don’t get it? Watch out, because they may be shaming you behind your back — and in front of an audience of millions.

In the busy r/weddingshaming forum on the social media platform, a plethora of P.O.’d would-be party animals dropped their most horrible and tasteless experiences that left them wanting more. A lot more.

The original poster of the thread noted that they were given simply just cheese, crackers and nuts to tide them over for the long evening of dancing to the Village People.

Another person chimed in and said they were given just “a plate of lettuce” as the “vegan option” at their sister’s nuptials.

Another ravished reveler interjected: “I showed up to a reception once that only had a ‘popcorn and ice cream bar.’ The reception was scheduled around dinner time, and there was no previous mention of there not being real food provided on the invites or programs.”

Another person chimed in and said they were given just “a plate of lettuce” as the “vegan option.” LElik83 –

At one person’s backyard wedding, “cold Chick-fil-A nuggets and veggie trays” were given out and the bride and groom “didn’t have enough for everyone so people were fighting over” the miniscule chicken chunks.

“Fun times. We left to go get food,” they not-so-fondly remembered.

Another poster joked about their own experience in a follow-up thread titled Family-Style Starvation.

The commenter warned people against having a family-style event with long rectangular tables that had large plates of food.

They explained that their cousin had a wedding with that tactic, having 25 guests per rectangular table with the food served at each end.

They stated that they were sitting with their husband in the middle of the table and “there was no food left by the time it got to us,” as well as for the couple idling next to them.

Someone else said that all they had to eat were cupcakes. LElik83 –

“All we got was a couple spoonfuls of lavender asparagus risotto to split between the four of us. We even asked the servers if there were any extras they could send to the middle,” they wrote.

“They assured us there was. They served it to the head of the tables again! So everyone got seconds while we still had nothing, not even risotto. We ended up leaving early and demolishing Wendy’s in the way home!”

Someone else claimed that the only delectables presented to them for one reception was just a batch of cupcakes.

“I showed up to a reception once that only had a ‘popcorn and ice cream bar,'” one wrote on Reddit. sonyachny –

For one’s “buffet cocktail hour,” the nourishment given was Ritz crackers, turkey pepperoni and cheese, but no alcohol.

Drinks included orange juice, cranberry juice and sparkling water, with Coke or Diet Coke available for purchase.

The sit-down dinner portion was “microwaved lunch meats masquerading as ‘roast turkey’ or ‘prime rib’ with a gravy on top, corn niblets or peas, and those fancy-cut sweet pickles.”

Sounds like a feast by comparison.