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Boozed up Lauren Boebert was cut off by bartender, begged Trump for selfies at GOP gala: report

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert reportedly got so drunk at a Republican gala in the Big Apple, she had to be cut off by bartenders — but witnesses denied the allegation to The Post.

The controversial congresswoman’s apparently boozy turn at the New York Young Republicans annual event in December also included her bothering former President Donald Trump for many so selfies, his security stepped in to stop her, CNN reported.

Servers at the event, which was held at the Cipriani ballroom, told Boebert they wouldn’t bring her any more booze, multiple sources told CNN.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert reportedly got so drunk at a Republican gala in the Big Apple, she had to be cut off by bartenders. Aristide Economopoulos
Rep. Boebert reportedly kept bothering former President Trump to take selfies with her. Aristide Economopoulos

Boebert sat at the gala’s marquee table and was joined by Steve Bannon, Florida GOP Rep. Corey Mills, club president Gavin Wax and Trump, among others.

Boebert was not cut off from alcohol, insiders told The Post Saturday — but she had irritated Trump during the event.

“She came over between Gavin Wax and President Trump and tried to take a selfies with the two of them. After taking a few and being unhappy with how they looked she tried to take more selfies but she was pushed away by President Trump who said, ‘That’s enough,'” one witness said.

Boebert declined to comment.

In a statement, New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax said, “Everyone knows the New York Young Republican Club throws the best galas.

“If you’re asking if Congresswoman Boebert had a good time at one of our galas, the answer is ‘I hope so.'”

Rep. Boebert kept the party going into the wee hours of the morning with disgraced former GOP Rep. George Santos.
Aristide Economopoulos

Boebert’s wild night in New York City didn’t end at Cipriani.

After the festivities wrapped, the Colorado Republican partied into the wee hours at the Upper East Side’s Beach Cafe with House colleague Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Florida) and disgraced former GOP Rep. George Santos.

It’s far from the congresswoman’s first bout with public controversy.

In September Boebert was asked to leave a production of ‘Beetlejuice’ at Denver’s Buell Theatre after she and her then-beau, Quinn Gallagher, engaged in some excessive public displays of affection.