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Hoodie-wearing John Fetterman joins The Post at Michelin-starred NYC restaurant — see how it went

They had no reservations.

Perpetual schlump Sen. John Fetterman breezed through the doors of 3-Michelin star Eleven Madison Park for a one-on-one with The Post — despite being dressed for yard work.

Staff at the famed Flatiron eatery where a prix-fixe, 10-course tasting menu runs $365 — welcomed the Pennsylvania ragamuffin into its intimate lounge without a fuss — where he sat for an expansive interview with Post scribe Jon Levine.

Sen. John Fetterman joined The Post for some fine dining at 11 Madison. J.C. Rice
The Post’s Jon Levine last year famously dressed like Fetterman to see if he could crash the city’s finest restaurants. NEW YORK POST

Levine last year famously dressed like Fetterman to see if he could crash the city’s finest restaurants — and did so again Wednesday evening.

Eleven Madison officially imposes no formal dress code and previously told The Post Fetterman would be welcome — but the famously rumpled pol nonetheless was keen to see if they would live up to the promise.

“I’m opening doors for other slobs,” he said triumphantly after being seated without incident. “We’re advancing the frontier of how you can really dress and still go out and have a nice time at an elite restaurant.”

Fetterman was seen nursing a Tannenzäpfle German pilsner. J.C. Rice
Fetterman took a small, and unscheduled, tour of the kitchen. J.C. Rice
Fetterman sat with The Post’s Levine for an hour. J.C. Rice

The senator nursed a Tannenzäpfle German pilsner during the hour long tête-à-tête.

“Do you have any gold bars? I would love some for my mattress,” the senator quipped in an unprompted allusion to his embattled colleague Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) — who was busted by the feds with a gold trove in September and faces a mountain of corruption charges.

After the libations, Fetterman and The Post were ushered into the kitchen for an unscheduled private tour of the facilities — which included a gratis digestif made from coconut milk, kumquats, and bergamot.

The tour included a gratis digestif made from coconut milk, kumquats and bergamot. J.C. Rice

“It’s refreshing,” Fetterman marveled as he scarfed it down. “I don’t even know how you can invent something like this.”

Fetterman said his family is always happy when he makes it — good or bad — into New York’s paper of record.

“Anytime I make to The Post, it makes my dad proud. He loves The Post.”