World News

Ukraine detonates drone against reactor dome at Russian-occupied nuclear power plant

Ukrainian forces detonated a drone against the dome covering a shut-down nuclear reactor at the massive Russian-occupied power plant in southeast Ukraine on Sunday, according to Kremlin and international energy officials.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said the unmanned device exploded against the dome above one of six reactors at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is the largest in all of Europe.

The damage was reported by the Russian-installed administration, which was placed on site after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

The Russian staff claimed there was no serious damage to the reactor, with radiation levels remaining normal.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Europe’s largest, was allegedly hit by a Ukraine drone Sunday. AP

The Russian-run plant said the Ukrainian strike “attacked the dome” of the building housing Reactor No. 6, which is currently in cold shutdown along with three other reactors.

The other two reactors are either shut down for repair or undergoing shut-down.

The IAEA noted that the Russian claims of the drone assault appeared to be “consistent” with their own observations, adding that radiation levels have not changed after the attack.

But IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi warned Ukraine and Russia to avoid attacks that “jeopardize nuclear safety” at the massive power plant.

The power plant was hit by a flare during shellings March 4, 2022. Zaporizhzhya NPP via REUTERS
Radiation drills were held at the plant last summer after reports of a looming attack on the nuclear station. REUTERS

Grossi had expressed concerns about the fighting occurring around the power plant last week when the IAEA found the nuclear station had lost connection with its only remaining back-up power line.

Ukraine has yet to comment on the alleged attack.

Kyiv and Moscow have repeatedly accused the other of firing at the Zaporizhzhia plant, which lies near the front lines of the war.

Russia remains in control of the nuclear power plant, where radiation levels are currently normal. REUTERS

Ukraine claimed last summer that Russian troops had purposefully planted bombs on the roofs of two reactor buildings in order to blame Kyiv for a false attack.

Kremlin nuclear officials denied the allegations and accused Ukraine of preparing to drop a “dirty bomb” at the nuclear power plant.

With Post wires