
Jill Biden’s foreign policy influence: Letters to the Editor — April 11, 2024

The Issue: First Lady Jill Biden’s influential position in the Biden administration.

I found one flaw with respect to Miranda Devine’s terrific recent piece on First Lady Jill Biden (“Dr. Jill’s main priority: putting herself first,” April 11).

To preface her name with “Dr.,” even in sarcasm, is to demean those scholars who have legitimately earned a PhD through original research and then defense of their dissertations. The text of her dissertation, parts of which are available online, would make a reasonably competent eighth-grader cringe.

Education, or what attempts to pass for it, has been watered down in this country. The First Lady’s haughtiness certainly manages a stunning contribution to its diminished state.

Anthony Parks

Garden City

Jill Biden will go down in history as one of the most reviled First Ladies.

Along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt, Biden’s attempts at influencing policy decisions have alienated Americans. The fact that she allows Joe to be humiliated on a daily basis proves she only likes the perks associated with being the wife of a president.

As far as the Israel-Hamas war is concerned: Pick a side, Mr. President. Don’t let your wife make your decisions for you. A real leader has to take a stand, and we didn’t elect Jill.

Charlie Honadel

Venice, Fla.

Erudition doesn’t come to mind when one hears from Dr. Jill Biden. Delusional is more an apt description. Jill is about helping herself and securing power to the detriment of this country.

Peter Cooper


Following initial support for Israel’s retaliation against terrorist Hamas, Democratic leadership has shown a downward trend beginning with mild criticism and escalating to threats of withholding arms deliveries.

What started with The Squad has spread far and wide, reaching the unelected Jill Biden and now also the president.

Yakov Moshe


No wonder we are a laughingstock: Our foreign policy is apparently dictated by Jill Biden!

Jack Weinberg


The Issue: President Biden‘s latest student-loan forgiveness plan, announced Monday.

Someone must hold addle-brained Joe Biden accountable (“Ballot bailout,” April 10).

He is not canceling college student debt. He is transferring that burden onto the taxpayers in exchange for votes. Those who willingly took on these loans should have to repay them.

Biden has made a career out of bending the truth and it’s time to stop that. The only way to restore sanity and faith in our democracy is to elect former President Donald Trump and send Biden back to Delaware.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

College students can’t pay off their student debt. The problem’s so bad Biden has to forgive their loans in order to get their vote. So why would any bank consider giving a high-risk, irresponsible person a home loan (or any other kind of loan for that matter)?

Robert Neglia

The Bronx

Biden’s student-loan forgiveness program is a a means to buy votes.

Earl Beal

Terre Haute, Ind.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.