
New bill would block NYC from buying single-use water bottles for staff

A group of lefty pols want to pour cold water on New York City’s drinking habits.

NYC agencies would be prohibited from buying their water in single-use plastic bottles for a combined 330,000-plus workforce under new legislation by Councilman Erik Bottcher (D-Manhattan) and co-sponsored by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and three other Democrats.

The bill would prohibit the city from contracting with outside vendors to buy individual plastic bottles containing less than a gallon of water, provided it’s not for a public health emergency. Supporters said the measure addresses a growing worldwide crisis of plastic pollution harming marine life.

New legislation by environmentalist Councilman Erik Bottcher (D-Manhattan) would prohibit NYC agencies from buying their water in single-use plastic bottles that are under a gallon except in an emergency. instagram/ebottcher
The World Wildlife Fund says there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050 unless the world cuts down on its plastic use. Christopher Sadowski

Bottcher gushed NYC’s tap water, which comes from the Catskills Mountains, is among the world’s best – adding he believes city workers should set an example for the rest of the Big Apple by turning a faucet or hitting an office water cooler to quench their thirst.

“Do you know that New York City tap water has been bottled and sold in stores?” said Bottcher. “Meanwhile [New Yorkers] are drinking bottled water from Fiji.”

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams is among the lead sponsors of the plastic-bottle-ban bill. Gabriella Bass

The city buys more than a million disposable plastic bottles of water yearly for its agencies while New Yorkers discard more than 742 million single-use plastic bottles – nearly 21 million pounds – annually, he added.

During a City Hall rally Thursday, Williams and Bottcher sounded like they hope the bill will test the waters for a citywide ban of water in single-use plastic bottles.

“We have to start making the change to stop the normalization of what we are doing and that is what this bill is about,” Williams said.  

A rep for Mayor Eric Adams said his office will review the bill but already encourages city workers to lead by example and bring reusable water bottles to work.

Both Bottcher and Williams said New Yorkers drink far too much water from plastic bottles. Corbis via Getty Images

The legislation already has some critics.

Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens) said she agrees that “single-use plastics are a problem” but the bill screams of “government overreach” and “infringes upon people’s right to choose.”

“Not only does this limit choice for city workers, but there is also the fallout that needs to be considered as well – the people who deliver water bottles, who work at bottling plants, and so on, will all be suddenly out of a job if we suddenly shift to a tap water-reliant program,” she added.