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Israel could potentially face multi-front war after Iran launches aerial attack on Jewish state: expert

A Middle East expert warned that Iran’s aerial strike targeting Israel has the potential to drag Jerusalem into a multi-front war.

“Everyone is talking about Iran, but what’s Hezbollah going to do?” Bruce Hoffman, a senior fellow for counterterrorism and homeland security at the Council on Foreign Relations, told The Post, referring to the southern Lebanon-based terror group.

“Israel could face attacks on two fronts.”

report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies warned that with Hezbollah, Israel would face a “far more formidable” enemy than the Palestinian terror group Hamas, whom the Jewish state has been engaged in a six-month war following the Oct. 7 attacks.

This handout picture courtesy of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office taken on April 14, 2024 shows Israel’s Primr Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) during a War Cabinet meeting at the Kirya in Tel Aviv. Israeli Prime Minister Office/AFP via Getty Images
Objects are seen in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, in Jerusalem April 14, 2024. REUTERS

One major concern is Hezbollah’s arsenal of more than 130,000 rockets and missiles, which have a range covering all of Israel, that the terror group has received from Iran, Hoffman noted.

“The only reason [Hezbollah] has a missile arsenal provided by Iran is for this eventuality: If Iran is attacked by Israel, Hezbollah would exact terrible retaliation.”

Follow along for live updates on Iran’s attack on Israel

Iran launched its first-ever attack on Israel Saturday, with approximately 500 drones and missiles coming from the Islamic Republic, according to US officials.

Photos show objects being shot down in Israel’s skyline, with objects exploding in the sky.

Front cover of the New York Post on April 14, 2024.
A map detailing Iran and its proxies strike on Israel.

In response to attack, Iranians went to the streets to celebrate.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the country while the country was preparing for a direct attack.

He said the Jewish state will respond accordingly.

“Our defense systems are deployed, and we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and offense. The State of Israel is strong, the IDF is strong, the public is strong.”