
Kennedy family endorses Biden for president, turns back on RFK Jr.

More than a dozen members of the Kennedy family gave their formal endorsement of President Biden’s re-election Thursday, snubbing their relative and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

With surveys showing the son of the late attorney general and senator from New York pulling votes away from Biden, the Massachusetts-based political dynasty appeared with the president at a campaign event in Philadelphia and praised him as a champion of “all the rights and freedoms” that former President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert stood for.

Those in attendance included RFK Jr.’s sisters Rory Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend; his brothers Joseph P. Kennedy II, Christopher Kennedy and Maxwell Kennedy Sr.; nephew Joe Kennedy III; and cousin Edward Kennedy Jr.

President Biden invited relatives of President John F. Kennedy, the first Irish Catholic chief executive, to the White House St. Patrick’s Day celebration, but excluded RFK Jr. @KerryKennedyRFK / X

In her remarks, Kerry Kennedy made a point to attack former President Donald Trump while praising Biden.

She did not directly mention her brother, but implored Republicans and independents to rally behind Biden in addition to Democrats.

“President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for,” reads her prepared speech, which was shared with The Post Thursday morning.

“Donald Trump is running to take us backwards, attacking the most basic rights and freedoms that are core to who we are as Americans. He has said he will be a dictator on day one, even saying he wants to try to suspend the Constitution,” she continued.

“I can only imagine how Donald Trump’s outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, Robert F. Kennedy, who proudly served as attorney general of the United States, and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country. Daddy stood for equal justice, human rights, and freedom from want and fear. Just as President Biden does today.”

Kerry Kennedy posted photos of her family at the White House St. Patrick’s Day
celebration together with President Biden. @KerryKennedyRFK / X

Following the event, members of the family will participate in phone banking and door knocking for Biden.

The en masse endorsement had been expected since the Kennedy family visited the White House last month for a St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

RFK Jr.’s relatives have also campaigned with Biden and condemned RFK Jr., 70, for challenging the incumbent.

RFK Jr. is hoping to pull votes away from both Trump and Biden, and has been a staunch critic of both. Getty Images
RFK Jr. recently announced he would be choosing Nicole Shanahan (second from left) as his VP pick. AFP via Getty Images

The Democrat-turned-independent has said he intends to be a “spoiler” for both Trump and Biden and wants to pull votes away from both rivals.

He has also used his Kennedy name and lineage to boost his campaign, speaking about the values of his father and uncle and airing an updated version of his uncle’s 1960 campaign ad during this year’s Super Bowl.

Kennedy responded to his family’s endorsement by turning it into a positive.

“I hear some of my family will be endorsing President Biden today. I am pleased they are politically active — it’s a family tradition,” he wrote on X.

“We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other. I hold this as a possibility for America too. Can we disagree without hating our opponents? Can we restore civility and respect to public discourse? I think we can.”