
Israel’s strike on Iran is not escalation — leave that to Biden & Co.

We commend Israel’s strike on Iran after the Islamic Republic’s rocket and missile attack last weekend: This is justified deterrence, not escalation. 

Remember, the Iranians are the aggressors here, and President Biden has enabled them with cash and legitimacy.

The US left is toeing Tehran’s line in claiming Israel started this with its surgical strike in Syria, taking out top brass of the vicious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, including at least one planner of the Oct. 7 atrocities.

Nonsense: That was just one more move in shadow Iran-Israel hostilities going back years if not decades.

No: It was Iran that crossed a new line with its indiscriminate missile-and-drone direct attack on Israel. 

It failed to do any real damage beyond injuring a child (a hallmark, it seems, of Islamofascist violence).

That’s thanks to Israel’s superior technology and wide array of local and global alliances.

Israel’s return strike — a marvelous birthday gift for Iran’s power-mad and geriatric supremo Ali Khamenei — was focused on Isfahan, a city near an air base and a nuke facility.

The extent of damage was unclear but the message was not: Mess with us and we hit your nukes and your airfighting capacity

Iran would be well-advised to leave things as they are. Indeed, it’s already blaming the attacks on “infiltrators,” suggesting it knows to avoid official recognition of Israel as responsible. 

Yes, Tehran is a formidable threat — and has only grown more so thanks to Biden’s commitment to enabling the Islamist regime

But Tehran’s reach often exceeds its grasp, and Israel is prepared to continue the fight for its existence by any means necessary. 

Remember, too, that despite Iran’s Oct. 7 gambit, Israel still has friends among the Arab states in the region.

And hemming in Tehran is a key priority for Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other players as well. 

The eternally renewed myth of the Jewish state’s isolation, in other words, is greatly exaggerated. 

The seeming temporary cessation of direct hostilities between Israel and Iran doesn’t change the facts on the ground, however. 

Israel is engaged in a proxy war with the Islamic Republic; on the Gaza front it’s fighting Tehran’s pawn Hamas even as another proxy, Hezbollah, gears up for open war in the north. 

The Biden position of what amounts to official blindness on Iran’s terroristic aims will only double and redouble the carnage of this battle.